I screwed up

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"Wow, I never thought about it that way. I think I need to tell you something."

I told him that I was the princess of Elvindale, which he expectantly did not take too well but, he was relieved knowing that that the "gift" came from my mother's side of the family and not from the Elves he deemed heartless. We spoke for what felt like hours constantly checking if there was anyone outside who could hear us, as not to give away my ability. He was one of a rare set of twins, but they were separated at a young age when he was captured by these creatures. Has been locked up ever since. They did try and trade him, unsuccessfully obviously. I have this feeling that he is just as stubborn as my Leonard. He said that he was a direct descendant of the dragon's egg that had fallen to our planet that day and started all of this. I thought this was hilarious as there was only one. Meaning that every living dragon on our planet should be a direct descendant. Or so I thought.

According to him, there was more than one. In total there were seven eggs that fell on separate locations on the planet. Of which three hatched on their own with no one protecting them. One Died at birth due to a stampede of Sentinels disrupting the ground causing his shell to hatch at a rapid pace. The protective fleas on the inside tore causing internal bleeding. Honestly, I have no clue how he knew that probably a dragon thing but what was interesting is that there are two more out there like Leonard. Two more that could have bonded with beings like me, or some other creature, who knows?

The fact is I am not alone. This is scary! What if they can also control dragons? What if they are also in danger tonight? What if they are kept captive like I am. How will more than one being able to control the Dragons? If one is good and one is bad can the dragons decide who dominates or is it a mind over matter thing, with the stronger mind taking control? Oh my goodness this is confusing. Mind-blowing but confusing non the less.

I sat back trying to grasp all of this or at least make sense of some of it. I am kind of getting used to it by now. Shocking news does not come as much of an disillusion as it used to. Lately, if my week goes by without some kind of big life-altering information coming from an unlikely source, I start thinking that there might be something wrong and start snooping to find what is missing. Talking to dragons, having a brother, being pregnant, kidnapped, and on next week's episode of the thrills in my life...

I start giggling to myself thinking about it. So deep in thought that I somehow manage to forget about my downstairs neighbor that understands me. As one can expect he politely asked me about it, and in repeating myself he starts laughing as well.

I have never heard a dragon laugh like this. Not even Leonard. It is a burst of sincere laughter, one of those that come from beep down in your belly. Not loud but real, honest. It kind of sounds like a generator humming. Soothing in a way.

Just then a guard burst into my cell! Oh no, he heard me! In my comfort, I forgot to check if anyone was passing. He seems angry. What did I just do?

Guard:" I knew it, it is true. You are the chosen one. I need to report it. Time is almost up."

Oh no, oh no, oh no! I really screwed up this time!

Thantious: "O yes you did, big time?"

"Thanks for the confidence boost. (said sarcastically). I am so sorry! I think I just put both our lives in danger. What now?"

Thantious: "It is my fault, I should not have started talking to you in the first place. In my defense, I thought you were a dragon when we started."

"Playing the blame game is not going to help either of us at this point. We just need to get the hell out of here and soon."

Thantious: "Don't you think if there were a way that I would have done it numerous cycles ago. I cannot just huff and puff and blow my way out of this place. And that is not from a lack of trying I promise you. I have blown until I could blow no more. The scorch marks on your walls were made by me from down here."

"You can breathe fire?"

Thantious: "Well I am not a water dragon now am I?"

"I have a plan, but you have to do exactly as I tell you. When the guards come, and they are already on their way from what I can hear. These large pointed ears are not for decorative purposes you know. I will act like the previous guard was lying. I mean who will believe him. If the kingdom had 3 children then the citizens should shortly have seen the third. As there is no evidence of Pieterre being a relative of mine let alone my older brother then surely this guard's word cannot be reliable."

Guard: "No it cannot but your's can!"

A guard spoke from behind me causing me to startle.

"What, no. How did you?"

Guard: "Just because the king banned magic does not automatically mean that everyone listened. It is called free will and we are all born with it."

This Elvin guard seems familiar. Like I have seen him before. Not all his face but it is something in his mouth and eyes. He has a strong resemblance off... Oh my, I know who this is, this is bad!

Guard: "This older brother you are referring to, was it Pieterre you called him? Please indulge me by sharing some information if you be so kind. My curiosity is untameable.

How much older and why does no one seem to know about him? Is he some sort of misshapen misinformed creature locked up in the king's attic only to be fed every so often? Perhaps he died at a young age and it was too traumatic to share. No that can't be it. You would not have been able to merge with a dragon should that be the case. For all three children have to be alive at the time of ascending or else it would not have happened. Strange curse this, is it not?

One I have dreamed of for a very long time. Ever since your mother told me about it. You see we were much closer than they would deem it be. I was close personal friends with your father for the longest of times, and after meeting the love of my life we dissipated. The king grew jealous as he was two in love with the infatuating beauty that is your mother, but she chose me. She did not want to be part of a kingdom run by sadists. Your father promised that if she were to choose him. He would rule with mercy to all beings, not just elves. He lied!

Do not miss understand he tried too, but cruelty was in his blood as it is in yours."

"And you aren't?"

Guard: "I never said that. I might however be the lesser of two evils. For I believe all living beings should have rights, and that means laws of their own, rules for their own kind. We are not all cut from the same cloth and what might work for one is just cruel punishment for another. This is obviously as long as I make them. I will take what belongs to me. I will take over the kingdom and with that, I will regain the love of your mother."

I had explained to him how much my parents cared for each other. I might have made up the porridge a little thick but he knew better, stating that if they loved each other so much then why did she go running back to him after my father left the kingdom so many years ago, even if it was briefly. How could I argue with that? He had a valid point. Could my father really have been that cruel? Could he really have taken away another elf's love and bribed her to be his own? I could not put it past him, but something still did not feel right about this story.

I replied that if she loved him as much as he stated then why did she not tell him about his son? Yep, it slipped out. I just revealed the kingdom's biggest secret to the one elf who was not supposed to know about it. I felt threatened okay I am sorry. Seem to be saying that a lot lately as well. What was I thinking? I wasn't thinking!

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