Comp-fronting my father

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After Anthony had left, I had a lot to comprehend, everything he had just said. He knew that we were not soulmates yet increasingly tried to. You know that carpet I told you about earlier. Do me a huge favor and burn that thing. I am tiling my way forward in life. Then I am covering those tiles with instant freeze water and skating my way out of this. If the ice melts and I drown, well at least I went out in style, trying my hardest to make it to the other side.

I have decided, and no one can change my mind about this. I will fight alongside my parents. I will bring the dragons and all the power that comes with it. I will protect the ones I love even this baby inside me. Screw your dad baby. He was a good one but forget him we will make our way through Elvendale and be victorious and hopefully not die trying.

I marched to my father's office, swung open the door, and asked him what the heck was up with the dragons on the furniture. I know not the entrance you were expecting but this shit had been bugging the crud out of me.

He explained that his forefathers, my great grandparents were part of some secret society that had promised to take care of the dragons no matter what and that the rigorous training that they had to encounter was not only so they would help the elves in war but so that they could protect themselves should there be a time the elves could not stand with them.

Confusing yet in some way it makes sense, so Leonard and I both had it wrong all along but at least now that is out of the way. I thanked my father and he looked at me confusingly.

"Dad I am expecting the child of Anthonieos. We have been in a relationship during the school break that will end soon. I cannot wait for school to start. For all this to be over and life to go back to normal, but nothing will be normal ever again. How could such a short time in once life change everything? Who you are, what you are? An elven princess to a dragon soul sharing, mother to be as well?"

Dad: "Cassy I feel that we have to sit down and discuss this. Firstly, I am not mad at you, not at all! Not about this. You did not ask for any of it and I can only try to understand how difficult it all must have been for you. Finding out that your life has been a lie. That your family has been hiding secrets from you, and large once at that. You had to deal with finding out you had a brother, a curse."

"Can we stop calling it that please? It has been bugging me for quite some time. I understand why you would view it as such, but I see it as a gift."

Dad: "Fine, then finding out you have a gift of communicating with dragons. You had a lot to take in. More than I ever would have wanted for any of my children. I have been trying to protect you from this all your life and now you face even more danger. I have spoken to Anthonieos and he confessed everything. He also presented me with a letter of resignation that I in turn refused to take. We need him more than ever now. With Pieterre's father working behind the smoke screen aligning himself with his captives it might be best for us to have someone on the inside to report back to us. I also knew about the baby and I am excited to be a grandfather but, please don't tell anyone. I would not want them to know how old I really am. This is why I did not seem surprised when you told me. According to Anthonieos he has been instructed to proceed with the plan once this child is born. This is a good thing. This means that they are unaware of your brothers' existents for now. Obviously, we will not allow you to proceed with the second pregnancy. That is unless you really love him, and you decide on your own time to extend your family.

I do ask that you take precautions in doing so. Consider all the outcomes and give us time to strategize should that be the case."

"Dad please, I just found out I was pregnant with my first child. I doubt I would be planning the next any time soon, and if I do, I doubt it would be with him."

I told my father about Anthony not being my soulmate and how betrayed I felt. That I needed some time on my own to think about my future. Figure out how I would like to proceed from here. He was shocked but understood what I had said. Tomorrow night is when the moons are both full again and I am happy for it to be over. I feel safe knowing that Pieterre's father does not know about him yet. What does scare me is that next cycle this time everyone will know, and I will have a child to protect. This all because of me. Because I poked my nose where it should not have been. Constantly undermining my authority and making my own way through this puzzling existence.

I have so much to do in such a short amount of time. I need to start figuring out how this will affect the rest of my life and my studies.

I started walking through the courtyard just thinking about everything, daydreaming about the baby. What he or she will look like, like me or Anthonieos. I know we are not meant to be, but I still have very strong feelings for him. Perhaps it's the knowledge that our lives will be connected forever. I still can't wrap my head around what he did but, in a way, I do understand why he did it.

He was only trying to protect the people he loves by offering up his own child. Knowing he or she would die. Maybe, he thought that he would figure out a way to save him or her after he was to find out I was pregnant. How should I know?

Considering all that has happened I thought it wise to discuss everything with Leonard before tonight. He must be just as anxious as I am about all of this. I know it is quite a bit of a walk from the palace, but I did not feel like facing anyone asking for a ride. I have a driving permit, but I still need to save for my car. Up to this point, I have been spending all my extra money on my pets but guess now with a child coming the car will have to wait a bit. I know this little rascal will be spoiled as it will be my parent's first grandchild, but it is still my child. I slowly walk down the road after Leonard had returned to the bigger training grounds. Apparently, he feels freer down there but it is not too far from me to break our connection.

I was about a block away from the yard when I suddenly felt a sharp pain on the back of my head rendering me unconscious. I feel my body collapsing on the ground, but I am unable to get up again or open my eyes. What is going on? Where am I?

I can hear voices mumbling behind me and recognised the one as the man that was talking behind the clinic. O no, please let this not be the guy working with Anthonieos. Why would it be I am not expecting the 3 babies they need? I blank out and only come two a couple of what I presume to be hours later. I have no idea where I am, but it's cold and I'm blindfolded. My hands are tied behind my back with some sort of restraints that do not feel familiar, most definitely not an elven mechanism. Oh, come on. Seriously. Have I not been through enough these few weeks, now this?

Strangely enough, I have this calm feeling inside me. I am not afraid of whatever is going on. The only thing I fear is that the baby is still doing well after what had just happened, I feel something similar to a tingling feeling inside me but with a bit of pressure, he is moving about I assume. Any normal elf would be freaking out. Perhaps if I did Leonard would hear me and come save me. I know him. He would do anything to protect me. Why am I not?

A normal lifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora