A silent voice

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I can hear footsteps approaching me, not loud footsteps like someone angry just normal calm footsteps. I feel cold hands wrapping around my body toward the back of my head. He is untying the blindfold slowly dropping it to the ground, staring at me as if in a daydream. His eyes are just as cold as his hand, yet his actions show signs of remorse. He is an elf, like me but much older. Attractive for his age. He seems lost.

"Good day sir. Are you alright?"

Older elf: "What do you mean? How do you ask me if I am alright yet you are the one being held captive?"

"Just a feeling I guess. I do hope you feel better soon."

He turns around walking toward the door mumbling something to himself. He looks over his shoulder at me turns his head and closes the door behind him.

Everything is quiet and dark except for water dripping from a pipe behind me. Slowly dripping one drop following the next on the ground, almost creating a rhythm of sorts. I start humming in my mind together with the splash created behind me. It is relaxing and I soon fade off to sleep again just to be reawakened by the voice of someone I cannot see.

Voice: "Humming huh? Are you not aware that all types of music have been banned?"

"Where are you? I cannot see anything?"

Voice: "Oh so you can hear me? It has been so long since I have been able to communicate with anyone. I think I am in the chamber underneath you. I have been kept by these creatures for so long without any of them understanding me. With only myself to keep me company. Please tell me you are a dragon as well and not just another figment of my imagination. Not just another voice in my head."

"Sorry to disappoint you but I am your consciousness telling you that it is high time you try and get out of here."

Voice: "If you are my consciousness, which I guess is possible why have I been feeling calmer since you arrived a few hours ago. You should know that I have been trying to escape for so many cycles. No, you should know better than giving me such advice so I do not believe you. Who are you?"

"My name is Casoritania, and you are?"

Voice: "They call me Thantious. I cannot remember my real name anymore. Depressing I know. It is good that you told me yours. At least I can remind you when you forget."

"I doubt they will keep me as long. While dragons have a very long life span, I am sorry to inform you that I am not a dragon. I am an elf."

Suddenly I feel the ground underneath me trembling. What on...

Thantious: AN ELF! So, the legend is true? You are a third born?"

"Great so everyone knows."

Thantious: "Best keep your voice low. If they hear you talking to me they will know, and they will kill you tonight. It is the evening of harvest. Soul harvest that is, but I assume you knew about this. Your dragon must have told you about all about it."

"Some of it yes. I have not been awakened to this for very long. Still a novice some would say. I have not even spent much time with any other dragons only with my beast."

Thantious: "Beast, why do you call him that?"

"It's just a joke. He was one of the strongest most difficult to train dragons the kingdom had ever encountered. They had almost given up on him before we merged. I guess you could say we saved each other. Leonard is special. My kind of special."

Thantious: "It sounds like it yes. I also have a similar reputation here. That is why they keep me locked up. My cell is small I have not been able to spread my wings in so long. To be honest I don't even know if I can fly anymore. With no elves being able to communicate with dragons in so long they have all but forgotten our agreement of protecting one and other. These days every elf just takes care of themselves and they only see us as weapons in their wars. I wish things could be the way they were so many years ago.

Many, many years ago before the kingdom decided to start the war and claim the birth ground of so many beings, back when Sentinels could still run free before your kind had become greedy and wanted to keep it all for themselves. We had a vast land full of the most beautiful fruit trees, flowing rivers, and magic in the air, it was a sight to behold. All the good we took for granted is now stripped away. Sometimes I wish our planet was one of those that have land separate from one and other. In this way, living creatures could divide and have land of their own. Now and I am sorry to say this the king sits high on his throne and runs everything. I am not badmouthing all Elves and I do apologize if this makes you feel uncomfortable. It's just a sad reality we have to deal with. The beauty of our planet could be witnessed from different solar systems and now so many are starving. All because of greed."

"What about the Woodland Creatures? They still live peacefully."

Thantious: "Peacefully. Who corrupted your judgment? They are kept imprisoned on a small piece of land in the outskirts, too scared to fight back as their numbers have already decreased significantly. This is the reason the previous king was slaughtered so violently. The Dwarfs, Goblins, and Cimeras made an alliance to fight back. To take back what rightfully belongs to them. There freedom. Unfortunately, the king had a son in hiding which no one seemed to be aware of until, well, it was too late. Though this king is much better than the one before him, by trying to bring peace to the land and yet contradicting himself by maintaining in power and creating laws as he deems fit. Such as the eradication of magic in our land. So many have come to pass as this was not fazed in properly, but just announced one day, and any creature who did not oblige to the law had been persecuted. The division of the kingdom does not help if every division is run by the same party. Yes, our land has more than one ruler but they are all elves and they all report back to the king of Elvindale.

Elvindale, even the name gives me shivers in my scales. So, on the nose. So, self-assured. Once again, I mention all this without prejudice."

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