Breath Cassy breath

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Fernandes: "They have arrived, finally. Now it is my time to play. It was nice knowing you. You do remind me of your mother, but you are definitely as stubborn as your father and honestly, that, I will not miss!"

The reapers appear behind him, cold and undead. They look exactly the way I remember them. Fernandes's guards seem fearful and taken aback but they try to maintain their composure. I have no idea why, but for some reason, I do not feel the same. I am suspected to be trembling yet I feel this intense calm over me accompanied by a sense of power. An inner strength as I have never felt before. My eyes start burning as I look down to the floor. Not from the blood covering them, no, this is something different. I have no idea what this could be. What is happening to me?

Lifting my head, I start to open them slowly and in the reflection of the blood on the floor in front of me, from when he kicked me I can see my eyes. They are different! They are Not green, or gray nor blue, but red with the same golden flakes I once saw in Leonard's eyes. Extraordinary! I can feel a part of him inside me. The part of his soul. I share trying to burst out, to break free. I feel it roaring like the beast he is! I feel my body getting up slowly unwillingly. It is moving, but I am not in control. My throat burns as a voice utter itself from inside me But it's not my voice.

Deep voice: "You think you could contain us? Do you think you could capture her And that I would just let that happen? Do you have any idea who I am?"

I see the guards stepping backward in fear as Leonard's voice escapes through my mouth. Something they did not even do for the reapers.

Fernandes: "What are you trying to scare me? You don't seem all that intimidating to me. (Looking down at the chains confining my arms pulling them backward). It seemed you a bit, what's the word I am looking for? Oh yes, contained."

I must say I never thought this would happen. The dragon in me was being released.

(Leonard through me): "Are you referring to these little bracelets around our arms?"

My arms warm-up, it burns as I watch the steel melting down from them releasing me from my bondage. Pieterre's dad seems a bit nervous.

(Leonard through me): "Now that that's out of the way I think it's time for you and me to have a little bit of a discussion."

The guards step closer, pointing their swards at me. I myself feel A bit anxious now yet I can feel Leonard's presence inside me and he is all but that!

(Leonard threw me): "Do you feel strong, determined? Did you really think I would allow you to remove my soul out of her body exposing me to someone like you? Did you think I would allow my soul to enter your body willingly, without putting up some sort of a fight?"

Fernandes: "Look around you, you are Surrounded what do you think you're going to do?"

I can feel my body being lifted from the ground as it was the first time I touched Leonard. Around me, I can see the blue lights again, not a ribbon this time, but a Spirit version of Leonard's reflection.

(Leonard through me): "An army cannot stop me! I saw what you did to the dragons before me and have learned from their mistakes! I am guessing you are unaware of the fact that in some way or another we are all interconnected. Willing to learn from each other. To learn from where others have failed and improved on their mistakes. We will not be overpowered or undermined. I will destroy all that tries to hurt Cassy and her unborn child! No elf, dwarf, goblin, or woodland creature will stand in my way!"

The guards step closer.

Fernandes: "Don't kill her! (He demanded to the guards). If you do all of this would have been for nothing, all these years of training, all these years of preparing would be for naught. We need her alive. That is until the reapers have completed the task at hand. Thereafter, you can do with her leftovers, whatever you please. I do not need her, only that soul inside of her."

Guard: "How exactly do you expect us to fight him without hurting her?"

Fernandes (yelling at guard!): "Call Anthonieos, maybe he can bring her back!"

My body is hot I can feel his anger, his determination to save me. It is overwhelming. Is this what love feels like, caring for someone so much it burns? Or is it because of the fact that he is a flame-breathing dragon?

They throw Anthonieos's beaten body in front of me, he is not dead, but not far from it either. Oh my, this hurts seeing him lying there.

My voice escapes my mouth: "Anthony, what did they do to you?"

Fernandes: "What I had to! I told you nothing would stop me."

"If this is how you treat the people that are under you, do you really think they will stand by you, after this, knowing what you are capable of doing with them if they did not follow you? Do you really think those under you will follow you bearing witness to this cruelty?"

Fernandes: "It is because of this that they will. Because they know who I am and because they know what I am capable of."

"So you would rather rule in fear than in fairness? What a great ruler you would be, I hope all of you surrounding me are listening to this. This elf will dominate you, he will take control and he will not let anyone tell him otherwise. Why not stand up for yourself against a ruler that will oppress you rather than against those who do not?

Fernandes: "Be realistic little girl. The goblins have been following me for many cycles and they will follow me for many more because they know that I will rule the dragons. As you should be well aware by now those who are in control of the dragons' rules our planet."

(Leonard through me): "Elves and dragons stood together not against each other. I will make sure it stays that way, even if we do get trained into submission. It is only done to make us stronger against elves and beings like you."

Fernandes looks behind him as a dark shape approaches closer towards me.

Fernandes: "It seems it is time. The reapers tonight, tomorrow the world. I am sorry to say this but, this is your last night Casoritania. After tonight you will never again talk to me or anyone with such disrespect. Then again tonight is the night I will take you Leonard as she calls you. I will take what's left of you inside her and claim it for myself. I will suppress your soul so deeply that the only reason you will still exist is for me to lead the other dragons. You will not even know of your own existence. I will take the rest, what is left of you. By that I mean our physical form and place it in the dungeon along with my other dragons I have down there and you will live there in anguish, pain, and isolation for the rest of your being. I might not be able to control you, but I will be able to control the rest of them once they are under my submission.

I will force them to take out anyone who opposes me, starting with all royalty currently in control. I will go fetch my son and introduce him to his brother and together the three of us will take over the kingdom. We will rule as no one has ever ruled before and yes Casoritania it will be in fear as you stated it, because fear demands respect."

I tremble backward as the reaper start approaching me. It scares me a little. Though I am inches off the ground and have this whole dragon essence surrounding me I still feel weak in the presence of the reapers power. Knowing what it is capable of and what it is here to do. Knowing full well that if it succeeds, I will no longer be. We will no longer be.

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