Hobbit or not it

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I explained everything as the nurse did to me. He seemed confused for a moment but after I had explained that they were to be three and how there is now only one, he seemed sincerely upset. He sat with me for a while in utter silence. As if though he wants to console me but is unable to as he needs just as much consolidation. We held hands not even looking at each other but I could feel a tear dripping, splashing against the back of my hand. How can he be this upset? He should be ecstatic about the one we are going to have. I know it is not what he expected but those eggs never even made it to the uterus. It is not as bad as losing them knowing they would never grow. If I was further along and something were to happen to them. If their harts have had a beat before we lost them, then maybe I would be as upset as he is now. Does this make me heartless? I am too worried and excited about taking care of the one I have. Maybe he is just more emotional than I thought him to be. Whatever it may be I think it might be best to give him some space to deal with this. If he needs me. If he needs to talk, I will be at his disposal but for now. I think it just best to grant him this.

I stood up and walked away without a word. Looking over my shoulder I could see his head falling into his hands, if he had heard he would probably be pulling it out now. He is really not taking this very well.

Drikust, great maybe he could go and talk to Anthony. Being his best friend it might be easier for him to open up to him. I Walked over and mentioned that Anthony needed him. Thinking it best if Anthony told him about our situation himself.

The rest of the day went by faster than expected. My mother forced me to eat, my sister not being sarcastic for once, and me sleeping most of the day.

The next morning, I had felt a bit better and decided to go down to spend some time with my first love. Wolfie. He seemed happy to see me but did not jump on me as per usual. He approached me carefully pushing his nose to buy belly and howling softly. Does he know?

I have heard about their sixth sense but the empathy he showed was amazing. I did my rounds kissing and loving all of them, fed them, and decided to go and say good morning to Leonard.

We had a long chat and he told me that if I loved Antony, I could tell him the truth about us, about our curse. Strangely mom said the same thing this morning. Something about parenting together meant not keeping secrets from each other. Dad said that he thought it best to wait until the day. You know, a week from now. The second double full moon since the festival. I can understand why, and it is not such a long wait anymore. I cannot stand keeping secrets. Sometimes there is this recurring thought that this has nothing to do with the moons. They just needed time to prepare the nation for the announcement of a legitimate child and I am not talking about the one I am carrying. That is a secondary announcement that I am certain they are not looking forward to.

Walking back, I decided to take the scenic route. Through the maze garden pass the nurse's office. Exercise is good when you are expecting. So, it says in every parenting book my mother had recommended. Don't worry I am taking it slowly as not to overindulge myself in this luxury of being straight up and not bend over a porcelain bowl meant for once rear end. As I walk up past the same dreadful place where I first got the news, I noticed the shadows again.

This time they were not trying to be discreet. It sounded like an argument.

Man 1:" It is not my fault this happened. I had done exactly as you had asked of me. Things did not go as planned and I cannot be held accountable for this."

Man 2:" You knew what the deal was. Two for two. As you had not fulfilled your part of the deal neither can we."

Man 1:" Can make some sort of arrangement? We both know that once it happens again the chances of failure are very unlikely. I know it will take some time, but you must be patient. Please I beg of you."

Man 2:" I don't think we are alone. My ears might not be as big as yours but even I know when there is an extra set nearby. I will talk to him and explain your plan, but I can tell you now He will not be impressed with the outcome of things as they stand currently. Make haste before someone sees you.

I heard them squirreling away trying to catch a glimpse of who or what it could be before they disappeared. Maybe I would figure out why one of those voices sounded so familiar.

As I walked around the corner, I noticed a set of footprints. It is larger than the norm and it is not pointed in front. In fact, you could clearly make out that this creature was barefoot. I have seen this somewhere before. If memory serves me correctly and I add up all my findings. Short, no pointed ears, large feet. It is a hobbit. I am certain of it. If only I was here earlier then maybe I could have more of a clue on what it is they were talking about.

Pieterre appeared out of nowhere.

"Why is everyone so intent on giving me a freight lately?"

Pieterre: "Hi, wait, yes we do seem to be alone and I have wanted to say this for so long. Morning sis!"

As if everything else was not awkward enough now I have to deal with this.

"You know a lot about tracking different creatures, don't you?"

Pieterre:" Well and you, thanks for asking? Yes. I do consider myself quite the expert. Why do you ask?"

" Do you think these are hobbit tracks?"

Pieter:" Yes, thank you for asking my day had gone rather well up to now. O and congratulations are in order from what I hear. Why would anyone intentionally share such existing news with their long unknown bother?"

"I apologize for your sarcasm in advance and thank you but please, just have a look?

Pieterre:" Rude much. Guess it is true about what they say in regard to pregnancy hormones. I will have to walk on phoenix shells from now on."

"Phoenixes don't have shells. They rise from the ash of the one before. I thought you knew your animals."

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