Love note

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As it continues every time, he mentions it. I order him to disappear from my site. With all the years we have spent in each other's company, he should know that look by now. This death stare. Or at least the best one I can manage at this given moment.

In my dismay, he decided to send Anthony to my rescue. Just what I needed. The man who has seen me at my worst to see me ever worserer. What the heck am I even saying. Maybe I should go lay down. Before I get time to catch a proper breath Anthony picked me up placing me cradled in his broad shoulders and carries me to my chambers. He wiped my face with a damp cloth and placed a bucket next to my bed. What can one say? We have some of the best technology in this solar system, yet a bucket simply cannot be replaced. I drifted asleep with him next to me but when I woke up, he was gone. In his place, he brought some hydrational drink with ginger root extract.

The taste was horrible, but I did feel better afterward. On the table next to the drink there is a note with my name on it, on the inside, a poem, how romantic. Can this guy be any more perfect?

Once upon a time, there was a princess in a tower.

Soon she will have a baby shower.

Due to the fact that she set her heart free.

To love a commoner, a bodyguard no other than me.

Instead of adding three now only one

And who knows maybe one day

siblings for our daughter or son.

Come what may

By your side, I will stay.

Through thick and thin

(We both know it's coming)

Locked in my heart, deep within.

I will keep you safe as you set my world ablaze.

Knowing I will love the two of you till the end of days.

I will be yours forever and always.

Yes, I agree, it is so corny. Look I can do it too. But it is sweet. He is sweet and he means well.

Baby bump we need to get out of this bed. We cannot sleep all day. I do not think I have any food left in me. How do I expect you to grow?

I open my door and in front of me is my father.

Dad:" Casoritania we need to talk. I know you do not feel very well right now and I really don't want to put any more pressure on you but, we did say no more secrets and I intend on keeping that promise."

Following behind him is my mother, sister, and now, I guess, brother. This will be our first official entire family meeting, in my room of all places. I move backward as to let them in and went to sit down on my bed. Good, sitting is good. Standing is not my friend at this moment.

Dad: "I do apologies for interrupting, but this matter is rather urgent. We received word regarding your brothers' father. It seems like he showed his worth as he now leads an army hell-bent on revenge for me for keeping your mother and him apart. He believes that he has some sort of claim over her because of the time they spend together. And no, she does not feel the same way. In fact, she is pretty rattled up about this. If he were to know she had been keeping his son a secret all these years. There is no telling of what he would do to her. I still don't know why he had waited so many years, perhaps he used the time to train his arm, one will never know. Why now when things are so crucial. Perhaps it is a good thing. Now that we have you. We need your help Casoritania. If not for your abilities brought forward by this damn curse, we would not be worrying you right now.

We have been informed that he has seven of the fiercest dragons in the land in his army. With Your Leonard, we only have four of which one is old and weak.

We need your help, your ability to communicate with them to save us. He intends on bringing the war to this kingdom, overtaking the thrown and keeping your mother as his queen."

Nessy: "This is why I will change things once I am in charge, to avoid things like this from happening. Leonard is right. Democracy is our future."

Dad: "Let's just worry about the here and now. From our intel, he will be here within a week. As if we do not have enough to face this week. We need to keep you safe, but you are also our only chance of defeating him. Please my child. I beg of you. For the future of the kingdom and my grandchild, will you help us?"

Honestly, what did he think I was going to say, no sorry you know morning sickness. Obviously, I was going to help but if we were going to do this, we were going to do it right. I demanded that the only way I was willing to help was for them to reveal the truth about the man we were fighting and the reason for the war. If we expected men to fight with us, they at least had to know what they would be dying for if it were to come to that.

My father had arranged for a formal announcement that afternoon. He had to, I gave him no alternative and once I set my mind on something, he knows better than to argue. An argument between the two of us could last weeks as we are both stubborn headed and we did not have that type of a timespan under these circumstances. I did however feel like if this had to come out it be best if I told Anthonieos in person before the entire army were to hear about it.

All this in one holiday. Just remembered that I will be returning to school pregnant. Maybe I should home school for a while. Just until I have finished my Doctorate in ancient history. Then again one paper on my life and everything I had learned during this holiday and they might as well give it to me, shows them what they know.

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