1.10 The Quidditch Match

Start from the beginning

"Ugh I hate her" Alice looked away from the screen. "She always calls me a snake and never apologized even after I helped save her." She flexed her hand to look at her green and purple nails. "Those are so pretty!" Narcissa grabbed her hand to look closer. "Who did them?" Alice smiled, "Just my friend Hatter"

Alice flipped her off and walked closer to Harry. "Drac caught the snitch right before you guys fell. Flint wanted a rematch but Hooch said no." Alice told him as she tucked her hands back into her pants pockets. "It's fine. You guys won fair and square." Harry told her, making her nervous face disappear. Then a groan came from Cooper, all of them looked over. "Am I dead?" He asked as Alice walked toward him, "Oh my god, I'm in hell. I see a blonde demon." Alice smacked his face and sat back in her chair. Cooper rubbed his cheek, "A mean demon"

"You're Satan!" Cooper pointed over at her. Alice started to reach into her heeled boot but Cooper shook his head fast. "Noo, nope. I lied your a beautiful, stunning angel that I love so much." Alice sat back into the couch and leaned her head on Bella's shoulder. "If I didn't love him, I would kill him." She told the other Black sister who giggled at her.

"Theres something else you should know." Ron started to tell the twins, glancing back and forth. "Your ninbus, when you started to fall they went with you- but the wind carried them toward the Whomping Willow and it kind of.." George dumped a pile of wood chips onto Harrys bed as Fred did the same of Coopers. The two stared at it with broken expressions. Alice gently hugged Cooper, careful to not touch his ribs.

James looked over to his sons, "Did you ever get a different broom?" He asked with hopeful eyes. They nodded in sync, "Later that year"

[camera shows Cooper and Harry standing with Lupin near the lake]

Lupin looks toward Hagrid and Knight as they swoop around in the air. "Why do they affect me and Coop so much professor? I mean, more than everyone else......" Lupin looks over at the two with eyes that seem far off, like he wasn't looking at them but rather someone else. "Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They feed on every good feeling, every happy memory, until a person is left with nothing but his worst experiences.  You're not weak, Harry, you too Cooper.  The Dementors affect you most, because there are true horrors in your past.  Horrors your classmates can scarcely imagine.  You have nothing to be ashamed of."

"That was very professor like Moony" Sirius told his boyfriend who blushed at the comment. "Aww Uncle Siri and his boyfriend" Alice cooed before stopping when Sirius's head snapped toward her. He turned back to his boyfriend and clapped his hands, "Look! I'm scary to someone!" Remus and Lily rolled their eyes.

"They scare me" Cooper admitted to his professor. "You would be a fool if you weren't." Harry's face turned serious as we turned to them, "I need to learn how to fight them. You could teach us. You made that dementor on the train so away...."

Lupin froze for a minute before replying. "I pretend to be an expert, Harry. But yes, I can teach you both. Perhaps after the holiday though. For now, though, I need to rest, I'm feeling...tired." They all look up to see Hedwig pinwheel while Knight gracefully flew to a cave on the other side of the lake.

Cooper looked at Knight sadly, wishing his companion was still here.


[screen shows students following professor McGonagall toward the bridge and two pairs footprints in snow that had no body]

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