Forgotten Parents and Waking Up

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Thomas sits down and a moment later he's illuminated by a fire.

"Who's there?" He asks defensively.

Derek is sad to see the boy who used to be so full of life and happiness (whether said 'life and happiness' was affected by all the supernatural shit happening, he didn't know) reduced to this. Defensive and wary of everything. Scott and Stiles were like little brothers to him, and he would protect them at all costs. (OMG YES, BIG BROTHER DEREK)

"It's just me." Chuck comes into view and sits down.

Chuck 'whoops' when he sees himself walk on-screen.

Thomas sighs and apologises.

Chuck pats Thomas' shoulder, and Thomas looks up gratefully.

Much like Derek felt he was a big brother to Stiles, Thomas felt like the big brother Chuck never had (and Chuck felt like Thomas' little brother, though he would never admit it).

"Here." Chuck says, giving Thomas a metal bottle and some food wrapped in cloth.

"You'll run better on a full stomach." (*indigestion has entered the chat*)

Minho and Newt look on at the screen sadly. Chuck's death had hit them all hard, but during the time Thomas had been in the maze, he and Chuck had formed a close relationship. Mainly because no one else trusted Thomas, or actually tried to know him. That had changed very quickly when he became a runner though.

Thomas unfolded the food, ripped some off and ate it hungrily.

"Mmm" he sighed, "Thanks, Chuck."

"Why is no food even a punishment? Especially when a kid is going into the maze!" Melissa growled out, motherly instincts taking over. (mommy? sorry- mommy? sorry- mOmMy-)

"Good question." Thomas answered.

Chuck looks at Thomas before sighing softly and looking away. After a few moments, Thomas notices that he's holding something.

"Hey, what do you got there?" He nods to the figure in the boy's hand. (dId YoU sTeAl My WiLl To LiVe-)

Thomas turns the carving, hiding in his pocket, over in his hand.

Chuck pauses a moment before turning and putting the figure through the bars.

Thomas moves up to see it, it looks like a mini-Chuck. (A/N- I'm not entirely sure if it is a 'mini-Chuck' but I think they imply it later on so idk) (*gAsP* sHe StOlE mY iN-tExT nOtEs TrAdEmArK)

"Oh, wow, that came out pretty damn good." He says admiring it.

"Language!" Mason calls out as an attempt to diffuse the tension, and it worked seeing as some people laughed. (I understood that reference)

"What's that for?" Thomas asks.

"It's for my parents..." Chuck says, fiddling with it.

Allison felt her heart fill up with even more hate for the two 'scientists' that were seated on the top row.

These are just kids... and they've gone through so much already. She thought.

"You remember your parents?" Thomas asks.

"None of us do shuck-face. Get with the program." Minho said wryly as he rolled his eyes. (orphan vibes >:D )

"I'm with the program, but it seems as though the 'program' doesn't include hope." Thomas retorts, sending a glare towards Minho.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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