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Teresa and Thomas were sitting at the edge of the tree house talking. (*shuffling* oh hi there, tis I! Editor extraordinaire! Hehehe)

"'She's the last one.' What does that mean?" Teresa asked, turning to Thomas.

"I mean- pretty obvious!" Mason says, waving his hands in the air. (Is it tho? Author: If you've watched the movies and/or read the books, than yes. It is.)

"Oh, yeah?" Newt asked, "What do you think it means?" Even though he already knew.

"It means no more greenies are gonna be coming up. Duh." He then proceeded to eat some popcorn.

"I'm not sure..." Thomas replied, fidgeting with his hands. "Ever since you came up, that Box hasn't gone back down."

He motioned to the Box.

"You know, and I think it's just got everyone a little worried. Especially Gally."

"Ha- You can say that again!" Newt joked, although Gally wasn't having it.

Gally is shown looking up at them suspiciously with his arms folded.

"Okay, why do you hate him?" Liam asked.

"I didn't hate him, per se," Gally defended.

"I don't like change. And, when he came up... Everything started changing. It's reasonable to say I didn't trust him, okay!" Gally's voice had grown louder and louder, that by the end of his sentence he had been screaming. (Geez, someone's a tad OCD-)

"Jeez- Okay, man! I was just wondering. Calm down..." Liam muttered, rubbing his ears.

"He thinks it's my fault." Teresa sums up.

"Well, duh..." Mason said, rolling his eyes.

Thomas sighed and looked up and down.

"Are you sure you don't remember anything else?"

"Why would she? She remembers her name 'cause she's been in a coma for- what? Maybe two days. Why would she remember anything else?" Mason inquires.

Before anyone else could, Thomas answered.

"Well, I figured if I remembered something- you saw the dreams- maybe she remembered something. I mean we were obviously different than the others. We came up two days in a row and I was curious. I wanted to know what was going on."

Mason nodded in response.

"I remember water. Feeling like I was drowning. These faces staring at me."

Thomas is shown looking at her with an indecipherable look.

"And this voice, a woman's voice saying the same thing over and over..." (*high pitched voice* TeReSa WAKE UP, yOu'Re GoInG tO bE lATe fOR schOOL)

But she never got to finish because Thomas cut her off.

"'Wicked is good.' " (No one ever agrees with me when I say that ;-; )

"And you didn't tell us your 'discovery'?" Minho asked sarcastically.

To which Thomas responded, "Well, we weren't sure. And to be honest, we didn't think it really mattered."

"Why do you always have the perfect reply?" (he's secretly a robot)

Teresa looked at Thomas, the expression quite simple, 'How do you know?' Thomas stared back at her with an unreadable expression.

Then, Thomas finally broke the silence.

"Ever since I've been here, I've had these dreams." He scoots back. "Well, I thought they were dreams..."

He hesitated a moment.

"You... You were there." (that's not sus at all)

Silence between the two before Thomas continued.

"You were there, and you told me that everything was gonna change."

Teresa took a moment before asking, "What does it mean?" (wE'rE aLl GoNnA dIe >:D )

"Are y'all stupid or something? It means things are going to change! Idiots!" Derek muttered that last part at the end- but no one even noticed it over their laughter.

Thomas shook his head. "I don't know. I... I just always get pieces."

Scott was sad that his best friend had gone through all of this to begin with, but the fact that WICKED had also implanted fake memories was like rubbing salt in the wound.

"And the others don't remember anything?" Teresa asked.

"No." After a moment Thomas spoke up again, "Why are we different?" (because you're gay :DD )

"That's what I wanted to know!" Gally exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air exasperated.

Teresa looked at Thomas and started to pull out something, which turned out to be two vials filled with blue liquid and the letters W.C.K.D inscribed on them.

"These were in my pocket when I came up." (when you came up from the depths of hell?)

She looked like she hesitated for a moment, then gave the vials to Thomas.

"That's not suspicious at all..." Gally said while rolling his eyes.

Teresa scoffed at him Oh please- He thought everything I did was suspicious...Teresa said in Thomas's mind. The boy twitched but didn't say anything.

Thomas frowned and inspected one of the vials.

"W.C.K.D..." He murmured, saying each letter individually.

"You can see the gears turning." Vince whispered to Mary.

A look of confusion was washed out by a look of realization as it hit him what it meant.

"'WICKED is good'..." He whispered. (*slow clap* took you a while hunni)

"No. It isn't." Thomas grounded out through clenched teeth. Newt noticed his hands were clenched and put his hand over Thomas's. This calmed him down- but only by a little. (gAyYyYyY)

"What if we were sent here for a reason?" Teresa asks. (sent to die mwahahaha)

"No, we decided to throw a bunch of boys in a maze- that cost a lot of money to make by the way- with no memory of anything, and a bunch of giant cyborgs for fun." Janson deadpanned. (understandable, have a nice day)

Some of the wolves snarled while Newt, Thomas, and Minho scowled at him.

Thomas looks up, understanding what the vials were.

"Alby." He says. (sorry hunni, but I doubt they're Alby)

"Where'd you get that thought from?" Mason asks, pausing on his- what? Third bag of popcorn?

"I don't know. She came up right after he got stung, and I thought that maybe the creators-"

He frowned angrily when he said 'creators'.

"Wouldn't want our leader to die. I don't know- that feels like so long ago..." Thomas frowned and looked down, deep in thought.

The next scene started, and all of them jumped at the sight of Alby...


A/N: sorry it took so long. for on- school was ending :D and i was stressed af for no reason, then SOCIAL ANXIETY HIT! >:D and THEN! someone wasn't editing the chapter *cough cough* you know who you are, archer. anyway- Have a good day/afternoon/night wherever you are, eat a snack, (*cough cough* ARSON!) and stay hydrated! And don't forget to never stop running ;D

vote and comment! I love reading and responding to your comments! <3

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