Alby and Stupid Decisions

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3rd POV

 It pans out from the homestead, "Alright, but why would Alby go into the maze?" We hear Thomas ask.

Thomas is sitting on a log with Chuck whittling a piece of wood. Zart is shoveling dirt around a tree, and Newt is cutting up the roots of the tree to get it out.

"I mean, he's not a... He's not a runner." Thomas says, confused.

"Oh my god..." Minho whispers, "Is that- Is that your first real statement!?" He asks sarcastically. Thomas, yet again, rolled his eyes as everyone around him chuckled, some louder than others.

"Things are different now. Alby went to retrace Ben's footsteps before sundown. Look, are you going to help?" Newt asked exasperated.

Everyone laughed at how done Newt was with Thomas.

"Okay, so he's gonna go back to where Ben was just stung?" He was cut off by Newt.

"Awwww you care!" Alby said, putting a hand on his heart. Notice the amount of sarcasm in the theatre?

"Alby knows what he's doing. Alright?" He responded, pointing the machete at Thomas now.

"He knows better than any of us."

What does that vague statement mean? Scott thought.

Thomas stuck his machete into the log he was sitting on, "What does that mean?"

"That's what I wanna know! About all of this!!" Mason yelled out. Everyone laughed at the boys antics.

Newt took a second, "Alright, it's like you've heard, yeah?" He keeps using the machete to make motions.

Everyone from Beacon Hills were on the edge of their seats, they wanted to know what was going on and he seemed to be explaining some things right now.

"Every month, the Box sends up a new arrival," He jabbed the machete towards the Box, not sparring a glance, "But someone had to be first, right?"

No one had thought of that, but Lydia connected the dots, from the dark days to this. Alby was the first one there. She realized.

"Someone had to spend a whole month in the Glade alone." Chuck looked up at Newt, finally paying attention to the conversation.

"Well you just seem to cling to Thomas like fungus, don't you hermano?" Jorge said, patting Chuck on the arm. Chuck sank into his seat and blushed.

"And that was Alby,"

The peoples eyes, who hadn't already figured it out, widened. What? They all thought with spite towards Ava, and Rat Man- sorry, Janson.

"I mean, it can't have been easy." Thomas looked at him thoughtfully, "But when those other boys started coming up, one after the other, "He kept hitting the roots with even more force then before. You could tell he was getting more than a bit frustrated.

"He saw the truth. And he learned that the most important thing is that we all have each other." Newt motioned, with the machete, to himself and Zart, "'Cause we're all in this together." Thomas and Chuck looked at each other after a moment.

Melissa couldn't believe this was happening to these kids. Chuck was only twelve years old! He shouldn't have of had to go through this so young. Same with Stiles- Thomas.

Chuck got back to whittling his piece of wood and Newt and Zart got back to trying to get the tree out of the ground to use.

After a moment, Thomas grabbed his machete, got up, and walked over to the tree. Newt watched him, smiling, as he hit the the tree root. "Yeah, there you go, Greenie."

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