A Night in the Maze

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"If ya' ain't scared, ya' ain't human. Act any different, and I'd throw you off the cliff 'cause it'd mean you're a psycho."- Alby


It's a lot later in the day, the sky is much darker, and they hear grunts. Alby is shown, still unconscious, being heaved up into the air. Ivy is wrapped around him. The footage shifts and it shows Minho and Thomas pulling a strand of ivy that is attached to Alby.

"Smart..." Derek mumbles. All the werewolves nod, having heard his statement.

"Two... Three..." Thomas counts. They pull on three and Alby gets higher into the air. They yell and grunt at the effort. "One, two... Three!" They pull.

Alby is pulled higher into the air while Minho and Thomas are panting heavily.

"Alright.... Okay..." Thomas pants.

Minho hears a rumbling and looks over into the next corridor.

"Uh-oh..." Melissa mutters, knowing that look. Something bad was going to happen.

"Minho, what are you doing? What are you doing?" Thomas repeats more urgently.

"What are you doing?"

Walls are shifting and soon a griever can be seen in the background. (I literally had to squint to see that lmao me and my bad eyesight 8P)

"Minho, what are you doing?!" Chris asked with urgency.

Vince and Jorge were also a bit confused at what was about to happen.

Minho pauses as he sees the griever for a moment, "We gotta go!" He tells Thomas, hitting him.

"What!?" Scott yelled.

"What? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Okay, just a little more and we'll tie it off!" Thomas and Minho talk over each other.

Everyone stared in disbelief.

"No, we gotta go!" Minho is still looking at the griever and its rumblings can be heard in the background.

Minho peeks over the side and in the background, Thomas is trying to calm him down, "Minho, just stay with me, okay?"

"Oh!" Minho yells as the griever is getting closer.

"Stay with me, Minho, okay?" Thomas keeps repeating that, his focus on getting Alby safe and tied up.

Minho is still holding onto the vine.

"A little more we're almost there!" Thomas tells him.

"I'm sorry, Greenie..." Minho says.

"What're you about to do...?" Chuck asked.


Minho runs off and Thomas slides towards the wall, not being able to hold the weight by himself, "Minho!" He yelled.

"MINHO!" Everyone yelled as well. Minho winced at the volume and mumbled a quiet 'Sorry...'

Chris was astonished that Thomas would ever trust this man again. I mean, he ran off and left the newbie to fend for himself... That's not what a true friend does.

Alby drops a little as Thomas slides towards the wall, you can hear him grunting and even whimpering a little.

Thomas finally hears the screeching; he looks to the side then back up at Alby. His face has gone red, and he is trying to come up with an idea.

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