First Clue and a Girl

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"What three things cannot be long hidden? The sun. The moon. And the truth." -The Hales.


The footage cuts back to the Glade, where boys are outside the Homestead. Thomas motions to the device and says, "Yeah, we found this."

"By 'this' you mean that weird... machine thing, right?" Liam asks.

"Duh, dumbass." Mason says to him while mumbling the last part. Liam hears it and pouts.

It cuts to the device with the number seven, the goo has dried up.

"It was inside a Griever." Thomas reports.

Still very nasty. Teresa states.

Thomas doesn't say anything, just keeps his eyes glued to the screen.

It shows Newt holding the device and looking at the letters.

"These are the same letters we get on our supplies." He states.

"WICKED." Sonya says with spite.

Janson frowned at her tone but otherwise said nothing.

"Yeah. Whoever put us in here obviously made the Grievers."

The footage shows Gally, Newt, Frypan, Zart, Minho, Winston and Thomas in the Homestead holding a gathering.

"Now this is the first real clue, the first anything, you've found in three years, right Minho?" Thomas points at the device then looks at Minho.

"That's discouraging..." Melissa states sadly.

"Now that I'm watching this- That's a really rude thing to say dude. Who made you the pessimist of the story?" Minho says, feeling offended by the back-handed compliment.

Newt looks back at the machine as Minho replies.


"Look who's optimistic." Minho says, bumping Newt on the shoulder playfully. The latter rolled his eyes.

"Newt, we gotta go back out there."

Newt looked back up to Thomas. Thomas continued.

"Who knows where this might lead us?"

"YOU WANNA GO BACK IN?! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Allison yelled at Stiles. She had quiet during this, mostly just worrying for Stiles. She had never blamed him for her death, whether he blamed himself or not, and she wanted to make sure that he was okay.

Stiles shrugged sheepishly.

Scott hugged his brother- which was what he had been wanting to do so much for the past year. When they first found Stiles, he didn't trust them fully, so they had to earn his trust back. Which they did. But he had never hugged him until now.

Scott felt like crying when Stiles hugged him back. Everyone else just watched the scene smiling.

Newt looked at Gally, but Gally just stared at him.

"You see what he's trying to do, right? First, he breaks our rules, then he tries to convince us to abandon them totally. What... The rules are the only things that have ever held us together. Why now are we questioning that?"

Thomas looks down and back up.

"If Alby was here, you know he'd agree with me. This shank... needs to be punished."

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