Dark Days and Fertilizer

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"Thomas," Alby said quietly, covering his mouth so he wouldn't scream, "Shhhh." He put a finger to his mouth.

"That's not creepy at all." Isaac remarked rolling his eyes.

Alby took his hand off once he knew Thomas wasn't going to scream, and while walking away said, "Follow me." Thomas looked shocked for a moment than got out of his hammock and followed him.

"Yea, probably should'a been a little more worried about him murdering me..." Thomas said reproachfully.

"Peaceful, isn't it?" Alby said taking in the tranquility.

"Yea, it does sound pretty peaceful, doesn't it?" Kira whispered to herself.

"I know it's hard to believe, but it wasn't always this way." Alby said solemnly.

"What! Nooooo!" Jackson said sarcastically. The glares from the Gladers shut him up, though.

His hand is shown with a knife. "We had dark days." Alby continued.

All the Gladers were paying attention, mainly because they never got this speech. Thomas looked at them curiously, not knowing Alby told anyone this. Alby looked down in respect for the fallen Gladers and Janson smirked. Ava was thinking about a lot of things and going over ratios in her head. Did it really make sense to kill more kids than actually save for the next generation? She thought.

"We lost a lot of boys to fear. To panic. But we've come far since then." They are seen over-looking the Glade.

"Yea, probably should have been a little bit more cautious." Thomas said nervously.

"Established order,made peace." Alby told him.

"Yeah. But why are you telling me this?" Thomas asked.

"Because you're not like the others."

"SEE! EVEN HE SAW IT!!" Gally screamed.

"You're curious."

"That he is." Newt exclaimed.

"But you're one of us now."

"That he also is!" This time Minho butted in.

"You need to know what that means." He put the knife into Thomas's hand.

"Oh is he gonna do a blood ritual!? OH HELL NAH-" Mason yelled, not ready to see any gore. All the Gladers chuckled. He is in for a ride.

Alby pointed to a wall covered in names that have been carved in.

Oh thank god. Mason thought.

Thomas walked towards the wall and examined it. "What happened to them?" He asked seeing the names that had been crossed out, pointing to one that had said 'george'.

Brenda saw the name and new immediately who he was, "Why didn't you tell me!" She sobbed towards Thomas.

"I-... I don't know.... I guess I forgot, getting caught up in what was happening. I'm so sorry, Brenda.

Scott noticed that even Jorge was confused about what was going on. Thomas got up, walked over to the sobbing girl, and enveloped her in a hug.

Lydia felt a pang of jealousy. He was her shoulder whenever she was going through something, but when was she ever there for him? He's always taking other peoples burdens, but when does he take care of his own? When does he take some time for himself. She looked over to the pair sadly.

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