Meeting Alby

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A/N- Im not going to put authors notes at the beginning of chapters but i wanted to say that I just finished reading TDC and am about to read The Kill Order, so, I want to make this story a little more compliant to the books but not to bc theyre watching the movie obviously. anyway here is the story

Scotts POV

None of this makes sense... I mean- my best friend- no my Brother went missing for, what, 14 months? And now we're here watching what happened to him? And who is this Teresa girl and why does Stiles hate her? And what are Beetle Blades anyway? So many questions! Then Teresa walks back out, scientist outfit and all, and announces that the next scene is starting so the whole theatre goes quiet.

Thomas is seen being thrown in a pit.

"Oh yea- The Pit!" The Asian guy, I think it was Minho? says excitedly.

Malia growled at the sight of Stiles being thrown like that. All of Stiles' new friend looked at her defensively. "Guys it's fine! She's not going to hurt you, right Malia?" Malia nodded warily and put her fangs away. Guess Stiles is still her anchor. Also when did he become such a leader? "Also, not so fun when you're actually in it" Stiles replied chuckling.

I can't believe they just threw him in there! And he's just laughing about it! I hate how he has all these new relationships with these people... Actually no- I don't hate them... They make Stiles smile and it's seems like they've been through hell and back together. I'm just jealous because I miss him so much.

No Ones POV

Thomas looks out threw the wooden bars, still seemingly confused.

"Ok," Thomas said trying to ignore all the Gladers laughing at him. "I can't be the only one who was terrified with no memories, and all these boys laughing at me and throwing me in a dirt pit!" He yelled exasperated. That shut 'em all up. A few were even blushing, remembering their first time in the Glade. At this sight Thomas smirked evilly.

No memories...? Is that why he didn't try to contact us?  Lydia thought looking at Stiles sadly.

"Hey" Thomas jumps back down when Alby comes into view.

"Hey it's you!" Liam yells pointing at him. All Alby does is nod.

"Hey there, green bean," Alby said, "You're not gonna run again." This time he said more as a statement, though.

"It's funny. he never called any of us 'Green Bean'." Newt told Thomas.  It would be an understatement to say he was surprised.

"I knew you were different from the moment you started asking questions. As for the Green Bean thing. I got tired of saying Greenie to every newcomer." Alby told them, dropping into their conversation.

Alby nodded, "Good." Then he opened the gate to the Pit and told Thomas, "My name is Alby. Now, can you tell me anything about yourself? Who you are, where you came from? Anything at all?" Thomas looked down nervously, kneading his hands together.

"There's that ADHD!" Isaac hollered. Stiles just rolled his eyes.

"You have ADHD?" Minho asked, "That explains so much!" Minho let out a laugh as he said this. Thomas just scoffed.

The pack looked over longing to have that bond with their most important member.

"Although we really should've stopped asking the fresh Greenies if they remembered anything," Newt said, thinking out loud, "If anything it just made them more nervous!" Alby nodded at that, thinking the same thing at seeing his reaction. Newt looked worried for Thomas.

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