Griever Pancakes and the Number 7

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"It's kinda hard to ask a dead guy what he did wrong." -I don't know.


Thomas is seen standing behind one of the wooden shacks, facing the woods. He rubs his hands in anticipation and impatience for Minho.

"There's the ADHD." Melissa said fondly.

He was about to walk away when Minho, Frypan, Winston and Zart came around the corner, "Will this be enough?" Minho asked.

"But- they're not runners." Liam said.

Before anyone else could speak, Mason jumped in with an explanation, "The other runners quit because of Alby and Ben. And because of Alby and Ben being stung in broad daylight, Minho didn't want Thomas to go out there alone, but he didn't want to go with only Thomas, so he brought other people." He then went back to munching his popcorn.

Minho looked at him like he was crazy and then Mason added, "Gally was quite happy with bringing non-runners into the maze."

"Oh yeah, he was bursting at the seams in rainbows and butterflies." Newt said, making exaggerated hand motions.

Thomas looked at Minho and took a pause before minutely nodding, "Okay. Let's go."

"Hesitation?" Thomas punched Scott on the arm.

The footage pans over the entrance to the maze where Minho, Thomas, Zart, Frypan, and Winston are running to the doors.

The footage paused.

"So, I never got around to asking because- well- you know. How was your first time in the maze, Winston?" Thomas asked.

"Well, a lot better than my second time." Some chuckled at this, while everyone from Beacon Hills looked confused.

"You'll see." Stiles told them all and then the footage played.

Then, it pans over a passage in the maze, where Thomas and Minho are upfront and everyone else is lagging a bit from fatigue.

"Come on!" Minho encouraged, then took a sharp right turn.

"Go easy on them- they're not runners like you, Minho." Newt laughed while Minho crossed his arms and huffed. Newt shoved him on the shoulders playfully.

Minho stopped at the beginning of the hall, everyone else with him.

The footage moves to the right, showing a Griever leg as the reason Minho had stopped.

That's nasty. Teresa said to Thomas through their link.

I'm sure you've seen enough Grievers, with you helping them.

Thomas nodded at Janson mostly but also Ava, then turned to glare at her.

You helped them too. She said sadly then turned back to screen.

Scott was looking at Stiles during this wondering what he was looking at, and who he was- then he realized that Stiles was glaring at Teresa. What's going on there?

Meanwhile the Gladers didn't bat one eyelash at this- as if it was a normal Tuesday. Which for them- the Thomas/Teresa mind-thing was normal.

The group started walking towards it and it showed the leg and some Griever guts left behind.

Lydia and a few others gaged at the sight of this.

"That's disgusting." Zart breaks the silence, tightly holding a wooden stick with his hoodie on.

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