Talks and Banishment's

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Alby and Thomas are sitting next to each other talking in one of their structures, while Chuck was off to the side, listening.

"Chuck! Where you ease dropping?" Alby asked, a little bit angry.

"Would you believe me if I said no?" The boy responded sheepishly.

"So what happened to him?" Thomas asked.

"What, is that your hundredth question in the, maybe, twenty-five minutes we've been watching?" Minho asked, joking around. Thomas, once AGAIN, rolled his eyes! And like Minho said, they've only been there for around twenty-five minutes.

Alby started fidgeting nervously, "It's called the Changing. It's what happens when someone gets stung."

Thomas kept looking at Alby, but in the background, you could see Chuck looking over too.

" 'Not ease dropping' my ass." Alby said. A twelve year old should not have to hear these things, even if they did live in the maze.

"Listen." Alby continued stepping down to Thomas's level. Thomas also started fidgeting, "We haven't been able to get a clear out of Ben since it happened. You know, he's not making any sense." Thomas looked up at him, "And it's only gonna get worse." It showed Chuck listening too.

Everybody was saddened by the thought of such young kids in a place like this. Little did they know, it would only get worse.

"The infection is spreading. He's dangerous. What did he say to you?" He inquired.

Thomas looked down, contemplating for a moment. He looked up and looked back down, shaking his head slightly, "Um.. He-he said he saw me, and that this is all my fault. How could be my fault?" The voice crack at the end gave away how he felt: useless, and confused.

The people from Beacon Hills were all also just as confused as he was onscreen. How could this have been his fault?

Alby turned away from him, then, after a moment, turned back, "Alright, get some rest." He said patting Thomas's back and getting up.

He started walking away when Thomas stopped him with one more question.

"Another one?! Really!?" Minho said throwing his arms up.

"Wha... Alby?" Thomas called.

"Yeah?" he asked turning around to face Thomas.

"What's gonna happen to him?"

The scene cut to the end of the day, where the walls were about to close.

"What're you gonna do to him?" Scott asked, looking up at Alby.

The Gladers are lined up in a semicircle with one opening so someone can get in. Alby, Newt, Gally, Winston, Frypan, and Zart are all holding polls.

Ben is tied up and someone is pushing him into the opening. "Just listen to me!" He growled. "Just, please, listen to me!"

Lydia put her hand to her mouth, realizing what was about to happen. The rest were clueless as to what was going on.

"Please, Minho!" We see Minho pushing Ben into the semicircle.

Gasps were heard in the theatre.

"Alby!" Alby couldn't look him in his eyes. All the other Gladers are holding spears so he can't escape. Minho pushes Ben to his knees, takes his knife, and cuts the restraints. Ben falls and gasps for breath.

Thomas is running up to see what was happening while Chuck was already there.

Ben had started sobbing, then he coughed up some sort of black goo.

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