Chapter 10: Revelations

Start from the beginning

Behind them, Clemont and Bonnie had mixed feelings about Ash and Serena's recent interactions. Bonnie giggled now and then, she thought it was cute seeing the two show their affection to one another so much. Clemont, on the other hand, was getting more and more uneasy as time went on, and it constantly sent shivers down his spine. He whispered to Bonnie, "Don't you think that this is a bit, I don't know, weird? We've never seen them interact so close together before. It's making me a bit uncomfortable." Bonnie, still smiling, said, "I don't really mind. In fact, it's quite cute." Clemont sighed, and continued walking behind everyone else.

The Kalos gang continued walking along the same path for the next few hours, occasionally checking out the sights around them. They were about halfway to Lumiose City, when the sky started to get dark. Everyone agreed to camp out at that area for now, before continuing their walk. Dinner was served, and everyone ate peacefully. The same interactions happened between Ash and Serena, and the same comments were made by Bonnie. This caused Clemont to slump down on his chair, and be even more uncomfortable, until...

He finally snapped.

Clemont shot up from his chair, and vented everything out towards Ash and Serena, "Can you two tell us what the hell is going on?! You guys have been like this for the whole day, and yet I don't have a clue about anything! You guys better tell me what's happening between the two of you, or else I will just leave you guys here and now! I can't stand this anymore!"

Everyone else stopped what they were doing instantly. Ash and Serena stared at Clemont with their mouths slightly ajar. They didn't expect anyone to be greatly affected by this little joke, and now felt bad for doing so. Bonnie, on the other hand, was on the verge of tears after Clemont finished. Clemont noticed this, and immediately embraced his little sister, constantly apologising and reassuring her. Ash and Serena looked at each other, and Serena said, "I'm so sorry Clemont. This was only meant to be a little prank, but we both didn't know you would be this uneasy about it. We promise, we won't do it again."

Clemont looked over at Serena, and sighed, "Look, I'm sorry I overreacted. I just feel that we should be at least aware of something, so that I feel a bit more at ease." Upon hearing this, Ash and Serena nodded at each other. Now it was Ash's turn to speak, "Well, this was meant to be a pleasant surprise, and may still be, but now I still feel bad for what we did."

Both Ash and Serena held hands, the first time they've actually done this as a new couple. They then stood beside each other, and showed their hands for everyone to see. Ash scratched his head, and said, albeit a bit sarcastically, "Ta-da..." It took the siblings a while, before it finally clicked in their mind. Bonnie suddenly changed her mood, and ran towards Serena, congratulating her. Although he was happy that they finally made it official, he felt even more embarrassed that he basically ruined the surprise. Ash gave Clemont a smile, assuring him that it's fine.

Bonnie then separated from the hug, and smirked in Clemont's direction. "Now that Ash and Serena are together, that gives me more motivation to find a nice and beautiful wife for Clemont!" Clemont looked horrified at Bonnie's statement, and picked her up with the robotic claw.

"Bonnie, I told you not to do that a million times!" Clemont shouted exasperatedly.

"But you would need to find one soon. If someone like Ash can do it, then you should be able to get a girl too!" Bonnie replied. The two siblings then went into one of their many fights once again, while Ash and Serena stood on the side, sweat dropping.


Once the little fiasco was over, they all cleared the dishes and prepared for bed. Clemont walked up towards Ash and Serena, and said, "So, here's the thing. Bonnie has been having nightmares these past few days, and she wants me to sleep with her tonight, maybe even subsequent days."

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