Bonus Chapter #12: Zorayas, Tanith, & Tanith's Knight

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A/N: I have this one marked as semi-canon/non-canon in the outline doc. Its the sort of Bonus Chapter where I leave it up to you guys whether you consider it part of the story or not.



As Zorayas rushes forward, she can tell Tanith is surprised. The former Lady of Volcano Manor freezes in place upon her approach. Whether that's because of Zorayas' exuberant welcome or her appearance, the Snakeborn knows not. What she does know is that she's glad to see the woman who raised her again, after all this time.

And back in Volcano Manor at that. The Manor has been greatly changed, as has much of Mt. Gelmir. The Lands Between are healing, and that's true even for the more barren parts of them. Mt. Gelmir was filled to the brim with all sorts, but plenty of its denizens could and had been reasoned with. Those who could not, had been dealt with. Everything was going to be just fine.

Of course, when Zorayas had come to own Volcano Manor, becoming a lady in her own right, she'd gone out of her way to do a bit of... redecorating. Sure, there were still active magma pools out in the backyard, but that didn't mean the whole blood-red aesthetic needed to remain. Zorayas herself had always been very partial to the color green.

As such, Volcano Manor had been redone in green hues, and was looking far more... verdant now, if nothing else.

Admittedly, Zorayas had wanted to send a letter to her adoptive mother months ago, back when they'd had the weddings, and everything had been so very crazy but also so very wonderful. But... there was still so much going on, and not nearly as much had been settled yet as she would have preferred. In the end, Zorayas wanted everything to be perfect for Tanith's return. After all, she didn't just want her adoptive mother to visit... she wanted her to stay.

And maybe, just maybe, Zorayas could make that happen. The baby in her mother's hands... Zorayas knew that smell. That scent. She knew who the father of that baby was. Eyes widening slightly as she stares down at the babe, Zorayas' long forked tongue flicks out of entirely human lips, causing Tanith to stiffen and panic slightly.

"Z-Zorayas, I promise, I can explain. You see-!"

Letting out a laugh that silences her adoptive mother on the spot, Zorayas gives Tanith a wide grin.

"You don't need to explain anything, mother. My Lord Husband gets around, doesn't he?"

That causes Tanith's eyes to widen, and another freeze to overtake the former dancer. She gapes, her mouth opening and closing a few times... which Zorayas takes advantage of to snatch her baby sister from Tanith's hands, cradling her carefully.

"I have one of my own, you know. She's up in the Nursery. Ah, you're just the cutest thing, aren't you? Have you picked out a name yet, mother?"

Tanith bites her lower lip, and then shakes her head.

"It was... considered bad luck back in my homeland to name children before their fifth year. I wasn't planning on waiting that long, mind you... but I thought it best to wait at least a year."

Zorayas nods at that, humming softly. She perks up when a clanking sound can be heard a moment later. Into the doorway, finally arriving behind Tanith, is the Crucible Knight that has ever stood vigil at her mother's side. Not just that though. Tanith's Knight had been one of Zorayas' more frequent baby sitters when she'd still been young and needed to be looked after. Honestly, while Zorayas would have gladly taken just Tanith over nothing, she's happy to see the Crucible Knight as well all the same.

"I'm so glad you could both make it! Mother... Mother's Knight. Welcome back to Volcano Manor. I hope you like what I've done with the place, but I shall be honest... even if you do not, I shan't let it change my mind!"

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