Chapter 52: Lunar Princess Ranni, Queen Marika

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A/N: Writing Ranni and Marika's dialogue back when I originally wrote this was tough. Got better at it over the next seventeen chapters or so though, I like to think.


Ranni had thought she made herself perfectly clear to her Consort. She had thought that... well, not that he was entirely on board with her plans, for their last conversation had left her certain he was not. Still, she had told him then that she could be flexible. She had prepared herself to make room for his wants and needs in the new order she intended to build.

But she had not expected this. While Ranni, even in her new ascendant form, could not peer into the heart of the Erdtree, she had no need to, to see how Queen Marika's influence over the Lands Between had waned and been waning for quite some time, ever since the Shattering. The Eternal Sovereign, along with the Outer God she served, were weakened by the breaking of the Elden Ring. Their power was not what it once was.

And yet, here Marika stood, hale and hearty, as strong as ever. Ranni would have been afraid, if it weren't for her own power. The power that only her consort's dogged pursuit of her had truly made possible. In the aftermath of her suicidal charge, if he had not come to her with the ring, she would never have realized her true potential.

For that, she would always love him. But for this? For this, she wasn't sure how long it would take to forgive him. They could have had it all, if he had but let Marika die along with the vassal beast. Instead, it seemed he'd healed the Eternal Queen, and slew the beast with his own two very capable hands. Now... now he expected them both to stand down? Did... no... surely not?

Ranni's tone is just as exasperated as the kindling maiden's, as she addresses her Consort.

"Dear Consort... surely, thou dost not intend for reconciliation to take place here. I have allowed thee much, mine consort, and will promise to allow thee more, further still... but thou eyes grow too large for thy stomach."

Marika stiffens, at being compared to food product. The golden blonde's eyes blaze with anger as she looks past the Tarnished she owes her life to, in order to glare directly at Ranni.

"My son is dead, because of thee. Or dost thou deny it?!"

Folding one pair of hands in front of her, Ranni keeps the other pair at the ready, always. Should a fight break out despite her Consort interposing his formidable self between them, she will not be caught off guard. Nevertheless, Ranni straightens her back and juts out her chin.

"I have never denied it. I stole a fragment of the Rune of Death and used it to forge the godslaying black knives through fearsome rite. I did it all."

A vindictive, vicious snarl spreads across Queen Marika's face. And though she does not step past the Tarnished between them, she does jab a finger in Ranni's direction.

"SEE?! She admits it! Stand aside, Tarnished! No matter what she hath promised, thine heart has been gifted to a murderer!"

Tis true. That does not mean Ranni will just stay quiet and take it.

"And what, pray tell, dost that make thee?"

Marika stiffens, but Ranni isn't done.

"Thou hast named me kinslayer. Tis true. I arranged the Night of the Black Knives and saw my cousin Godwyn the Golden murdered on the same night that I was slain in turn. But then, what dost that mean of thy culpability, Queen Marika?"

At that, the Eternal Sovereign rears back as if struck. Suddenly, she looks hunted... more hunted, even, then when the Elden Beast sought to make a weapon of her. Ranni, sensing weakness, happily pushes forward.

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