Chapter 7: Nepheli Loux

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A/N: Here's the first appearance of Nepheli Loux, Warrior!


"Be proud. You were a fine warrior. Your only mistake was your choice of master. Let the winds lift you, to a higher place."

When she finishes her words to the fallen soldier at her feet and looks up, he is there, watching her. Nepheli Loux did not miss his approach, but at the same time, she sensed no aggression from him, and so believed that she was fine remaining relaxed. Rightfully so, it would seem, though Nepheli's brow raises at what she sees before her.

Bare-chested, but clothed in heavy leather armor from the waist down, the warrior who's come across her wields two large great axes, one in each hand, even bigger than her own Stormhawk Axes. Tch, in general, he is bigger than her. Much bigger. His muscles seem to have muscles, and she finds herself beginning to trace them with her eyes, before remembering herself and clearing her throat.

To cover up her momentary lapse, Nepheli crosses her arms over her chest, taking a somewhat caustic tone.

"Well, who do we have here?"

When he doesn't immediately answer, merely smiling at her instead, Nepheli sniffs slightly.

"Tarnished, are you? Clearly not one of Godrick's lot, in that sort of attire. Hmph. I am Nepheli Loux, Tarnished and warrior just like you."

He inclines his head in acknowledgment and respect, and Nepheli finds herself instinctively doing the same. Hm, is he mute? He hasn't said a word, and yet... he seems quite comfortable with her all the same. Her eyes narrow slightly, in suspicion.

"I am here by decree of my father. He... didn't send you as well, did he?"

The Tarnished shakes his head in silence, and Nepheli... Nepheli believes him. For a second, the dark-skinned warrior woman had feared this to be a set up of some sort. It was a bit of a coincidence, for her to run across another Tarnished in Stormveil Castle, especially another Tarnished who it would seem had the same fighting style as she did. It would be just like her father to send someone to check on her.

Still, with her suspicion put to rest, Nepheli looks down at the soldier she's slain, sighing as she shakes her head in disgust.

"How utterly repellant all of this is. This... 'grafting' of Godrick's ill befits a Lord. He's tainted the very winds with his actions."

Indeed, the smell is quite strong. She's pleased with the Tarnished nods in solemn agreement, his own arms crossing over his bared, rippling chest as he offers a serious frown. In that moment, Nepheli can tell... this is no ordinary Tarnished. His entire being emphasizes his purpose. He is not here just to challenge Stormveil Castle... he is here to challenge its Lord.

Licking her lips, Nepheli leans forward.

"If you intend to challenge Godrick... I ask that you call upon me to fight by your side. The winds run cold with his deeds. I'm certain father would permit me to aid in the coming fight."

She waits for his refusal, whatever form that might take if he truly is mute as she assumes. She waits for him to look down on her, perhaps because of her gender, or her stature. She is of a warrior's form, but not quite as tall or as broad as him, not quite as well-built.

But no, he does not look down on her, not figuratively at least. Instead, even as he's literally gazing down at her, he's smiling a warm, friendly smile and nodding, offering her hand. Nepheli blinks, a little unused to actually being taken seriously. Back in Roundtable Hold... it's not too bad, but she is her adoptive father's daughter. Being the daughter of Sir Gideon Ofnir the All-Knowing comes with its own challenges and she won't lie, she sometimes feels like the others are looking down on her, as if she's still a kid when she's a woman grown.

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