Chapter 35: Nepheli Loux

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A/N: She is Nepheli Loux, Warrior. Also Nepheli Loux, Ruler of Limgrave.


She'd thought she had everything she needed in Roundtable Hold, between her lover and the women that she'd decided to take under her wing. But apparently, the demigod slayer didn't agree with her. It still felt somewhat surreal, and rather unreal besides... but here she was, stood in the throne room of Stormveil Castle once more.

The last time she'd been here had been just outside in the courtyard, when she and her fellow warrior had faced off against Godrick the Grafted. And then, indeed, they'd come in here and... well, desecrated the inhuman monster's throne as his blood had still been wet upon the cobblestone. Nepheli didn't regret any of that, to be sure. Not even now, given her new position.

It started with him bringing her the Stormhawk King's ashes. She hadn't been sure what to think of the gift at first. She was no Spirit-Tuner. She could not feel the presence of spirits, nor could she see them. However, in the ashes that her lover had gifted to her, she could smell an ancient storm. It had... roused her from her momentary contentment. Reminded her of who she truly was. Nepheli Loux. Warrior.

And then this man had come around. Kenneth Haight. He was a somewhat self-important sort of man, wasn't he? He had a bit of an officious air to him, at least by Nepheli's first impression. But you didn't survive in the Lands Between by being an idiot. And when Kenneth had begun to tell her about the 'capable chap' who had helped him reclaim Fort Haight, and how the 'bright young Tarnished' had proven so very helpful that he was able to begin the search for a new Lord of Limgrave, Nepheli couldn't deny it... her interest was piqued.

Her knowledge of Limgrave's ancient history was admittedly spotty at best. She'd known more about the present than the past, when she'd first found herself in Stormveil Castle. The Grafted and his soldiers had been in need of killing, and Nepheli was good at that, at the very least. It had been one of the last times she'd felt good about working for her father, in fact. Taking down Godrick's soldiers, assisting her fellow Tarnished in battle against the Lord of all that was Golden himself... yes, she'd been proud of her accomplishments, quite proud indeed.

But Nepheli knew enough to know that a Storm Lord once ruled over the lands of Limgrave, long ago. She knew enough to know that this Storm Lord was a mighty force, and that Limgrave had long had cause to regret losing that sovereign. And she knew enough to know she was no Queen, no Royalty.

And yet, Kenneth Haight had seemed sure of it, when he'd approached her. It was a point in the blond blowhard's favor, she supposed. Despite his pompous attitude, despite his officious air, Lord Haight was quite certain that HE was not fit to be Lord of Limgrave. That it was not his place to rule over all the lands that the Storm Lord had once ruled over.

No... he claimed that that was to be her. That SHE was the only one fit to be Lady of Limgrave. To say Nepheli had been shocked would be an understatement. And yet, in spite of everything, Kenneth's words had resonated with her on a deep, personal level, somewhere within her very soul. She'd known, in her heart of hearts, the moment he spoke, that this was what she had to do.

But... how could she possibly leave behind her duties at Roundtable Hold? How could she justify abandoning the others, when she knew Lord Ofnir was just waiting for an excuse? The most obvious answer to the dilemma would have seemed to be to take them all with her. Roderika, Rya, Irina and her father Edgar... bringing them all to Stormveil Castle would have made the most sense.

But Roderika would not go. Rather, Nepheli hadn't even asked the blonde Spirit Tuner, in all honesty. Because she knew what her answer would be. Roderika would be apologetic, and even try to tell Nepheli not to worry about her, but she would refuse to leave the Hold and more specifically, Master Hewg, behind. As much as Roderika loved the man they both had shared their hearts with, she also felt a deep connection to Master Hewg.

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