Chapter 3: Irina

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A/N: Unlike Sellen, Irina is 100% gonna be a main girl. Or at least a major side girl heh. As you read this chapter, keep in mind that everything the Tarnished does comes from countless retries. He's done this all before, a million times. He knows exactly what works and what does not work. Everything, no matter how ridiculous, happens precisely how it's supposed to.

And above all else keep in mind that the Tarnished has a Plan.


Irina knows she awaits the end, at this point. At first, she was scared. Terrified, even. But now? Sitting here silently on this rock, Irina is well aware that there's nothing she can do but wait to be found... one way or another. Her protectors are gone, and she knows not where she is. Her father had her sent away from Castle Morne, but their caravan was attacked on the road.

The last thing Irina had heard was one of her father's men, crying out for her to run. The way his voice cut off in a gurgle a moment later, the way she heard not another word pass from his lips... it didn't bear thinking about. She'd run, fleeing the attack, and so far, she hadn't been discovered. But at this point, Irina knew it was only a matter of time.

She couldn't even say how far from the road she'd gotten, before she stumbled upon this rock and had to sit down. She was sure she'd nearly broken a bone, falling over it, but now she sat quietly, with her hands in her lap. Her surroundings were too silent, too bereft of sound. There was no one but her around, but she was sure that couldn't remain true forever. She would be found. It was only a matter of who found her.

The sudden clopping of hooves against the road causes Irina to perk up. A rider! The servants at Castle Morne... she didn't think they ever rode horses. Some of them could fly, from what she dimly recalled. But horses... no, that wasn't something they were keen on, the servants who had rebelled over at the castle.

As the sound of hooves grows closer, Irina gathers her strength, intending to call out as loud as she can before the rider slips past. She's not sure how visible she is on this rock... she might have to stand and move towards the rider, towards the road, if she wants to be seen. But before she can truly call out, the sound of hooves suddenly slows to a stop nearby... and the sound of plated boots crunching in the dirt hits her ears.

Irina does her best not to flinch. They haven't spoken yet, this new arrival. She thinks if they were one of her father's men, they would have said something by now. As well... she's not entirely sure that she didn't get turned around at one point, but she thinks they came in the opposite direction of the Castle. Or so she thinks, anyways... she could be very wrong.

"H-Hello? Is somebody there?"

The rider walks forward, his boots continuing to crunch before ultimately, he stops in front of her. Still, he says not a word. Irina trembles and wrings her hands in her lap.

"Might... might I bend your ear for a moment, please?"

She doesn't want to be a bother. She's already such a burden, and she knows it. She flinches, when the man suddenly enters her personal space. She may not be able to see him, weak as her eyesight is, but she can feel his presence, distinct and almost overwhelming. Only almost, because rather than looming above her from inches away, he drops to a knee before her, and reaches out to gently rest a gloved, plated hand atop her own.

Warmth radiates from him, and somehow Irina just knows he's happy to hear her out. And so, the words spill forth in... in something of a rush, the blind young woman trying to get it all out as fast as possible to avoid angering this strange traveler.

"M-My name is Irina. I've escaped from Castle Morne, to the south. The... the servants there have rebelled, you see."

She bites her lower lip, worried about oversharing but also worried about not sharing enough. In the end, with a shuddering breath, she decides to give as much as she can.

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