Chapter 24: Tanith

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A/N: That darn Tarnished, being so darn helpful.


The newest Recusant was too helpful by half. Never in a million years had Tanith believed such a thought would cross her mind... but there it was. The Volcano Manor had existed for quite some time. It had seen Recusants come and go. Most ended up slain in pursuit of their grisly work. Still many others had been sent on to their Lord, to join with his strength.

Tanith did not consider this a betrayal, to be clear. Praetor Rykard needed all of the strength he could possibly get, if he was going to eventually take the fight to the Erdtree and the Greater Will. Indeed, it was precisely as she'd told the Tarnished, after he'd come back from his second task for them.

"The Erdtree blesses the Tarnished with grace, but it is all too meager, in the face of the enormity of their task. The Tarnished are forced to scavenge, squabbling for crumbs, just like the shardbearers, vying for power in the wake of the Shattering. Only Lord Rykard, our Lord, had the wherewithal to refuse. To scurry about, fighting over what miserly scraps they would allow us. If the Erdtree, and indeed the very gods would debase us so, then we shall raise the banner of resistance, even if it means heresy."

In the wake of these words, the Tarnished had not balked. He had not faltered. Indeed, he had seemed as resolved as ever. And it wasn't just her tasks and tests that he took upon himself and completed with a singular vigor and determination either. In the midst of his work for her, he also took it upon himself to help the other members of the Volcano Manor.

Perhaps it was her mistake, for being so foolish as to call them a family. She should have known that a man like this Tarnished, this Recusant... would care too deeply. He was too kind by half, for all that his savagery and bloodlust on behalf of his new-found family knew no bounds.

Patches had been the first to ask for his help. And in doing so, had proven his true character, not that Tanith had expected any different from the man. She would have taken him to task, if he weren't more valuable to the Manor for his abilities as a merchant, over his abilities as a Recusant. Still... to pass off his work to the newcomer, to make the new Recusant go up against Great Horned Tragoth... well, she'd had no problem exercising her power as Lady of Volcano Manor to make sure the Tarnished returned to Patches for his reward.

The man might get away with passing off his duties to the Manor to his fellow Tarnished, but she'd be damned if she'd let him get away with doing it for free. Though, perhaps she'd have thought twice about doing so, if she'd known then what was going to happen...

Ah, but she was getting ahead of herself. After the new Recusant completed his first official task, and then returned, much to Rya's delight, before assisting with Patches' request followed by taking on his second job... Tanith had begun to wonder at his single-minded fervor. She didn't mind that he'd reinforced Rya's rebellious streak by returning victorious from that first task. At least not at first. It wouldn't do, to be unable to accept a humbling from time to time, regardless of her position.

But then he'd come back from that second task just as victorious. And Knight Bernahl had taken notice of him. Bernahl was one of Volcano Manor's stronger Recusants. However, he did not have the strength, nor the inner willpower, for Tanith to send him on to her Lord. Lord Rykard had need of those who did not carry doubt within their hearts... who did not wallow in their own self-recrimination.

Knight Bernahl was... well, he was a capable old warrior, and had served Volcano Manor well. And he would continue to serve Volcano Manor well, but never in the way that they most needed. Twas the way of things, sometimes. As something of a consolation, Bernahl had been granted the right to wield the Devourer's Scepter. A weapon said to be the very symbol of Lord Rykard, it was a powerful weapon, to be sure. And Knight Bernahl wielded it well, as he discharged his duties as a Recusant of Volcano Manor.

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