Chapter 25: Tanith

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A/N: Tanith, quietly seething: "Oh yeah, we believe in the strong prevailing here Tarnished, so good on you for killing our Lord and all."


By the time the Tarnished returns from the depths, Tanith is much more... composed. She will admit, she was a little bit hysterical there at first, saying some questionable things, at a very questionable volume. No doubt, even Bernahl down the hall heard her. Not that it would have mattered if he hadn't. Patches had still been standing right in front of her, watching her with wide eyes as she'd ranted and raved.

Perhaps it was for the best, however. Even if she'd calmed herself down by this point, the words she'd spoken during that moment of pique were not inaccurate. The Volcano Manor WAS over. Their family had come to an abrupt and terminal end. With Lord Rykard gone, there was no point to any of it anymore.

Still, she blamed herself more than anyone. More than even the Tarnished who had done the deed. As such, when he finally comes before her, wielding a massive, blood-coated spear, she is... calm. Calm, and composed. Or rather, she likes to think she is.

"You... it's true then, isn't it?"

She swallows past a sudden lump in her throat.

"You've defeated our Lord."

The words are spoken with a sense of finality, as the Tarnished watches her, not answering one way or another. Not even with a nod, as was his way. He's just staring at her, and Tanith can't help but shift from side to side in her chair, feeling judged... and by a higher power at that.

She should have known better than to send the Tarnished who had claimed three Great Runes on to meet with their Lord. She should have known better... and yet, would it have mattered? Thanks to Zorayas, he'd already discovered Volcano Manor's secrets. Did he even NEED her help to reach Lord Rykard, or was he just humoring her? Showing her the futility of her... of their actions?

"No... no, I must thank you. Our Lord was yet weak, and you have taught us much."

As much as she was internally berating herself, Tanith refused to show weakness in the face of this man, this Tarnished. Already, a plan is forming in her mind. There is a way to recover from this. Volcano Manor is finished, there's no doubt about that... but her and her Lord's time together is just getting started. Unable to help herself, she smiles ever so slightly behind her porcelain mask.

"Defeat is not the end, after all. Our Lord is immortal and will one day rise again, stronger for this experience."

She's hoping to startle him at least slightly, to see him surprised or confused by her words. It's petty and Tanith knows it, but she can't help but be a little enigmatic. Unfortunately, it doesn't get the reaction she's hoping for. He just continues to gaze at her, as if he's seeing right through her. It's unnerving, but she senses no animosity or malice directed her way. Did he even understand what she'd been trying to do, by sending him to her Lord? No matter... no matter.

"Until that time arrives, I must stay the path and do my part."

With a wave of her hand, Tanith hurries onwards, obfuscating her true next steps behind a smokescreen of sorts.

"I will leave the Volcano Manor before long, as will the others. I suggest you do the same."

And then, because she finds to her surprise that she actually means it, Tanith leans forward, peering at the Tarnished.

"... I find I will miss these encounters. The champion who walks the tainted path shines all the more. In the end... I suppose I am an admirer."

She's not lying, either. As much as his actions have turned her entire life's work on its head, Tanith has always believed the strong must rise at all costs. She... she was not strong. She was like a leech, clinging to one who was strong, serving him to the best of her abilities.

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