Chapter Eight

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I look to Rayne as Roman walks over "Bitch if we aren't about to leave I will order myself an Uber and never babysit for you again." I cross my arms like a six-year-old. Rayne looks at me amused.

"Relax you, big baby, we're about to leave we're just waiting for my card. And girl stop trying to run from your problems." She says and before I could say anything Rome was standing in front of our booth.

"Good afternoon ladies." He says then smiles. Rayne gets a look before she smirks. "Say hi Lily." She says lightly smirking. "Hi, Rome." Then Lily turns back to the little bit of food she was trying to finish. Then Rayne nods at me and says "Aren't you gonna say hi Jordyn?" This girl gets on my nerves sometimes.

"Girl hell is hot this time of year just so you know," I say looking in the other direction.

Rome nervously rubs his hands together before saying, "H-hey Jordyn." I mentally roll my eyes and give him a stank face.

"I'll be in the car," I say grabbing Rayne's keys. "You coming with me nugget?" Ignoring Rome and looking to Lily. "Yes, ti ti." the little one says pushing away her bowl.

"Take her to the bathroom first, you know how she is," Rayne says then mumbles the last part. I nod and we head to the bathroom.


I look in the direction Jordyn just walked off in, sign, and look at Rayne. I didn't know I pissed her off that bad. Rayne hums in disagreement and goes on to say "From what I heard you keep letting your girlfriend make side comments about my little sister. And the one time she finally says something you tell her she's being childish and you basically uninvite her from your fight, and you expect her to be all sunshine and rainbows as if she isn't one of the most emotional yet super petty people we know."

Rayne shakes her head and lets out a humorless chuckle before saying, "Maybe you should work on being a better friend." I open up my mouth to reply when a waiter walks over.

"Here's that card for you Ms. Chase, have a nice day." They said giving the card back and walking off. I turn to Rayne when she starts to speak again. "Well it was nice seeing you Rome, hopefully the next time I see you, you and Jordyn will be on good terms." Rayne gathers the few things she has and gives me a brief hug and she leaves.

I stare in the direction she walked in for what felt like forever but was probably two minutes. I shake my head and walk back to my table. Once I sit down Dana asks "How was your gremlin friend?" with a little smirk. Before I answer I think about the conversation I had with Rayne and let out a small sigh.

"Can you not speak about my friend like that?" Dana gives me a very sassy look and rolls her neck as she says, "She talks about me too, so maybe you should check your friend."

I roll my eyes at her pettiness and say "I'm gonna talk to her about it, but honestly, I'm trying to find common ground for the both of you. Meaning you don't do anything towards her and she won't do anything towards you." Dana looks like she's going to disagree before I cut her off.

"If this relationship is going to work you can't make side remarks about my friends, just like they can't make side remarks about you. We're all grown we should be able to act like it." Dana keeps a straight face before she reluctantly agrees.

The rest of our time at Mama's Kitchen was very slow and very tense. As I'm driving us back to my place I can feel the tension. "Do you still want to go shopping?" I ask.

"I'm good, you can actually drop me off at home so I can start to get ready." The Latina says stiffly. I can't tell if she's lying to me or if she really just needs space, so I nod and we continue the ride in silence.

When I pull up to Dana's apartment she was quick to unbuckle her seatbelt and she was about to open her door when I gently reached over and stopped her. "Hey, are we okay?" She gives me this look that I can't really decipher before she answers, "Sure, are we done, can I go up to my apartment now?" I just let her go with a slight scoff.

"Do whatever you want, but just know when I come back that attitude better be gone." And with that, she got out slammed the door, and went up to her apartment. "Childish," I mumble after she slammed the door. We'll talk about that later. I called Terrell to tell him what happened.

"So let me get this straight, the she-devil got mad at you for telling her not to talk about our sweet innocent Jordyn." I roll my eyes, which I seem to be doing a lot lately, "Yes, and don't call Dana a she-devil. I'm trying to set boundaries for both sides, so please make it a little easier for me." Terrell just smacks his lips, "Ain't nobody scared of that girl. What she gon' do, fight me? She better be lucky I don't get Jordyn or Jordyn's fine ass sister to dog walk her." And just like that, what I said went in one ear and out the other, but wait...

"Wait you think Rayne is fine?"

Terrell pauses before answering, "Of course, I think she's fine, have you seen her?" This man sounds like he's in love and he hasn't even met Rayne. "I actually did see her today with her daughter and Jordyn. How has Jordyn not introduced y'all yet?" Annnd here goes his dramatic ass. "You saw my wife today!? And you know I was busy doing something every time Jordyn wanted us to meet."

"Busy being a punk." I laugh at him. I guess Terrell didn't like my response because the next thing I hear is, "A kiki nothing. At least I can get Jordyn to answer my text messages." That wiped the smile right off my face. "That was too far Terrell." That's the last thing I said before I hung up on him.

"How you like that dial tone, my boy?" I ask no one as I pull up to my house. When I get in the house I immediately go upstairs to take another shower and get ready to go to the gym and train. As soon as I'm dressed I call up Tim so we can get a little training in before my fight later tonight.

"Yo Tim," I say as soon as he answers the phone. "What's up young buck, you ready to train?" He asks me. "What training exercises are we doing?" I ask him. The older man hums before saying, "Nothing too straining, just some footwork and light pad work." Okay, that's light work.

"Alright well I'm about to head to the gym now, so I'll see you there," I say to Tim. "Okay see you there." He hung up and I finished getting ready and was out the door. I make it to the gym at the same time as Tim, so we walk in together.

"Alright, boy get to stretching so we can get started." Let's do this.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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