Chapter One

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To think I actually trusted that bitch, she had me believe that we were actually friends, always giving me advice when Aaron and I were having trouble. I really should've seen it coming, Aaron was always coming home smelling like perfume and having lipstick stains on his shirt collar.
Now I know what you're thinking "How could you not know he was cheating when you see little signs like that?" but it's not like I didn't know he was cheating, I just didn't want to believe it. Now here I am looking stupid for something that could've been avoided. I feel like a complete idiot about this whole situation.

I'm knocked out of my thoughts by the vicious vibration from my cell phone. Who could that be? As soon as I looked at the caller I sent them to voicemail.
I rolled my eyes hard, it was no one but Aaron. Probably trying to spew his lies about how "It was a mistake" and "It'll never happen again." Well one things for certain, it sure won't happen again because there will never be an "us" again.
After I declined Aarons call I strolled over to the bar to drown in my sorrows. It takes the bartender a couple of minutes before he makes his way over to me, which I completely understand since the it's packed in this club.

"What can I get for you?" He asked.

"I'll take two shots of the strongest thing you have and I'll also have a rum and coke please." I said as kindly as I could without sounding demanding. Just because you had a bad day doesn't mean you have to take it out on this poor bartender.

"Yeah I can get that for you." He said with a kind smile. After that little interaction I decided to look around and observe my surroundings. All you could see for miles around are a bunch of people dancing, if you could really call it that. Its really just people dry humping on the dance floor.

"Here's your two shots as well as your rum and coke." He uttered. As I was about to take my shot I realized he was still hovering around me. "Can I help you?" I spat with distaste clearly irritated with his presence.
The bartender didn't pay any mind to my tone of voice as he answered. "I'm sorry. It just seems like somethings on your mind, would you like to talk about it?" He verbalized with sincerity. Should I tell him? Girl you don't even know him, but it'd be good to talk to someone. Even if he is a stranger.

"Well since you asked, I just found out my boyfriend was cheating on me with my best friend, who I've known since kindergarten no less." I cried out.

"Oh that's just awful, how'd you find out?" He questioned, his friendly eyes swirling with curiosity. Then he quickly interjected. "If you don't mind me asking." As I was going to answer his question I was rudely interrupted.

"Let me buy you a drink." The stranger stated cockily.

"No thank you. Judging by the way you just interrupted our conversation and how you asked to buy me a drink I can tell you're a self centered person, and that's me putting it nicely." I proclaimed with a false smile on my face.
Unfortunately it's as though what I said went in one ear and out the other. It's like he took that my rejection as a personal challenge. Typical. I internally rolled my eyes.

"A conversation with who, that guy? He'll get over it plus he's got a job to do anyway." The man stated while pointing at the bartender. "Isn't that right?" He snarkily asked the bartender with a smirk. I'd love nothing more than to wipe that smirk of his face.

"He's right, I have more customers to tend to." Right on cue someone yelled for the bartender. "But if you need me just call me, my name is Terrell!" Terrell exclaimed as he walked toward the customer, while offering a smile. Great now I'm stuck here with him, well I'm not really stuck I just don't feel like moving. Call me lazy.

"So now that he's gone you gonna let me buy you a drink?" The very persistent, very annoying stranger asked. "I mean I have no problem buying you one." He stated ignorant to the fact that he was getting on my last nerve.

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