Chapter Five

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I sit staring down at my phone, still looking at the message Jordyn sent me. I don't know why she's acting like that, Imean sure what Dana said was kind of rude but Jordyn should've been the bigger person. Plus Jordyn wouldn't get that upset if what Dana said wasn't true, right? I decide to text Jordyn back one more time.

Rome (Text)

You're being childish right now. If what she said isn't true then why you tripping?

I send her another message.

Rome (Text)

If you're going to act like that towards Dana don't even bother coming to my fight this weekend.

I sigh. I don't wanna be that way to Jordyn, but I also can't have her disrespecting Dana like that. "Babe I'm going to head home. Are we still going on our date tonight?" Dana interrupts my thoughts. "Yeah. Well go around seven-thirty, how does that sound?"

"That sounds good, but can you take me shopping so I have something nice to wear for the date?" I smile at her, "Sure, anything you want baby." Dana walks towards my front door "Bye Terrell!" She yells as Terrell is somewhere in my house. No response was heard back, and as she goes to open the front door she stops and turns around.

"Bye Romey." The blonde woman blows me a kiss. "Bye cupcake." And she proceeds to open the door and walk out. Terrell walks out to the living room. "Is the wicked witch finally gone?" I shake my head at his childish question. "Why don't you like her?" Terrell counters my question with a question.

"Why do you like her?" I sit and think for a quick second. "Because she doesn't seem interested in the fact that I'm famous, she's honest, and she treats me like I'm a normal human being." Terrell hums, "Do you know who else does all those things?" Before I could say anything Terrell answers his own question.

"Jordyn!" I roll my eyes seeing as though we've been through this a hundred times. "How many times do I have to tell you? Nothing will ever happen between me and Jordyn." I let out an annoyed huff. "But it's clear you like her." Terrell retorts. I huff heavily, "Can you just drop it?" I look at Terrell pleading.

He holds his hands up in a defensive manner and sighs. "Alright, I'll drop it," He pauses "for now." Knowing that's the best I'll get I nod in appreciation. "You coming to the gym with me?" Terrell looks up in thought. "When are you going is the question. Because if you're going right now I'm going to have to decline. Respectfully." I chuckle at what he said.

"No, I'm probably gonna go in two hours. You down?" Terrell gets up and starts to pace back and forth as if it were a hard question I asked him. "Let me check my schedule." Terrell takes his phone out and looks at it for a quick second, then puts it back in his pocket. "I checked my palm pilot and it seems as though I'm free, so yeah I'll go to the gym with you."

This man is goofy as hell. "Okay well, I'm about to take a nap so do what you want. If you want to stay you know where the guest room is, and if you leave make sure you lock up." I yawn and start heading up to my room, not caring for a response. I walk in my room, kick my shoes off, lay down and just drift off.

I wake up to someone poking my face. All I do is swat the hand and turn away. Suddenly my body is violently shaken, I open my eyes with a frown, and low and behold it's Terrell disturbing my slumber. "Man, what the hell do you want?" I say with an attitude. Terrell seemed very unbothered by the attitude.

"Are we still going to the gym cause I'm going to be pissed if I came back for now reason?" Yawning and rubbing my face, "Yo, what time is it?" Terrell grabs his phone from his pocket and looks at the screen. "It's three o'clock." I get out of bed and stretch. "Yeah let me get ready real quick and we can go, but we can't stay long. I told Dana I would take her shopping before our date."

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