Chapter Four

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It's been about three months since I met Rome and Terrell, and it's like we're the three musketeers. Currently, I'm meeting up with the boys for brunch before I go to work. I'm the first to arrive per usual. 

"Hey Jordyn." "Hey Jordy." Rome and Terrell say simultaneously. I roll my eyes at the latter. "Terrell I told you stop calling me that." He shrugs "I don't care how many times you say that, I'm not going to listen."

Rome clears his throat "Anyways, how are you?" "I would be better if y'all could learn how to come on time." I joke while smiling. Terrell points at himself "All this chocolate goodness takes time to look this good."

I snort trying to cover my laugh. "Chocolate goodness?" I question sarcastically. Terrell nods his head seemingly proud of himself. "I also had to wait for on pretty boy here." He states pointing at Rome. I look at Rome "Who you dressed up for?" He licks his full plump lips and smiles "I'm trying to look good for you baby." He knows exactly what he's doing. This man just knows he fine.

"Rome you better stop playing with me. Besides you wouldn't know how to handle me." I smirk. Before Rome could reply Terrell spoke up "Can y'all flirt on y'all own time please?"

"Boy nobody is flirting." I say to Terrell. I direct my attention to Rome "Besides aren't you dating what's her name?" I do know her name, I just don't like her. She gives me bad vibes.

"Her name is Dana, and yes we're dating but we're not official if that makes sense." I roll my eyes. Speak of the devil and they'll appear. 

Dana walks up to the table, Terrell and I look at each other and roll our eyes. Rome immediately looks at us and mouths 'Be nice.' I don't know why Rome invited her anyway. It's always us three no matter if we're dating someone, it gives us time to catch up on what we missed with each other if we've had a busy month.

Dana greets Rome with a kiss "Hey babe." Me and Terrell gag, then he mocks her under his breath. "Hey, babe." I laugh silently. Dana rolls her eyes at us and mumbles "Childish asses." I turn my head so fast you would've thought that I had whiplash afterward. "You said something Dana?" "No I didn't say anything, you must be hearing things, sweetie." She falsely smiles. Terrell laughs, "Scared ass."

Rome clears his throat again "So I wanted to know if y'all were coming to my fight this weekend?" Terrell looks at Rome puzzled "Within the last two months when haven't we gone to your fight? What makes this fight different than the others?" Rome looks at Dana with a sheepish smile and replies "Well this time my girl will be there." His girl? He just said they weren't official.

"Your girl?" Dana questions with a face filled with shock. "Well, that's if you want to be." Rome says while nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "Of course I wanna be your girl, Romey." She gushes right before she kisses him. I look at Terrell and whisper "What the hell is a Romey?" He responds "Your guess is as good as mine sis."

The waiter finally came after what felt like forever, but sadly it was about time for me to go.

"Hello my name is Sergio and I'll be your waiter today. What can I start you all with?" Dana answers first "Yes I'll have an egg white scrambled with spinach and mushrooms. I'll also have a side of non-fat yogurt with fresh fruit, oh and I'll have a mimosa to drink. But why is her order so long? Rome was next to speak "I'll just have some waffles with a side of fruit, and water please."

Then Terrell starts his order "I'll have your biscuits and gravy with a side of scrambled eggs. And I'll also have water please." The waiter finished writing down their orders then he looked at me "And you ma'am?"

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