Chapter Two

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"No you can't buy me a drink as I previously stated." After I said that I now had time to take in his appearance. The man was a little over average height, kinda buff. I can definitely tell you skip leg day. I mentally laugh, anyway I can see the mouth of the green eyed blonde man move. I have absolutely no idea what he just said.

"... That's why you should let me buy you a drink, and my name's Jake by the way." Jake winked. I guess he's trying to be charming, but it's definitely not working out for him.

"For the last time, no thank you. I'm saying it nicely, what do I have to do for you to leave me alone!?" I yelled, obviously tired of him.

"Look you stuck up bitch." Jake snarled his voice filled with anger, "I don't think you know who you're talking to." Yes I do, I'm talking to Jake from Statefarm, duh. "Nor do I care." I quickly remarked with a bored expression on my face.
It's obvious he likes to be in control of a situation. I'm broken from my train of thought when his very rough and calloused hand grabs my right arm, and extends his hand back as if he was going to hit me.

If he hits me I'm gonna sue the hell out of him, shoot I have some student loans I need to pay off. As I'm thinking this I just brace myself for the hit, it's not like I can move anyway since he ahs such a tight grip on my arm.

Just then I hear a deep raspy voice say "That's no way to treat a lady, now I'm going to have to ask you to let her go." I took one look at this man and all I have to say is wow.
He's a very attractive man, it's as if he's a Greek god. Mystery man is a little over average height with skin like honey, his body is very well defined, and don't get me started on those hazel eyes.

"And what are you going to do if I don't?" His voice harboring hostility as he didn't even spare the man a glance. "Man can you just let me go!?" I exclaimed while getting agitated. I should've just stayed home and ate ice cream. Isn't that what they do in those sappy romance movies? Both men ignored me.

"How about you look at me and say that." Mystery man said in a scarily calm and collected tone of voice.

"As if that's gonna change any -" Jake turned around shocked and stood frozen in place. "You were saying?" Mystery man inquired smugly. Jake quickly regathered himself and retracted his hand from my arm.

Jake looks at me and stutters out "U-u-um I'm sorry, I'll let you enjoy the rest of your night." What the hell is wrong with him? As I go to respond Jake rushes out of my eyesight.

I turn to look at the attractive man to the left of me.

"Thank you." I say before tipping back both my shots. When I was about to chug my rum and coke mystery man cleared his throat like he wanted something. Do you want a cookie? He did it another time. "Ahem." He choked, clearly wanting my attention.

This is the third man to bother me as I'm trying to wallow in my pity. So with pursed lips and a cocked head I simply asked "Yes?"

"Huh? Oh I don't want anything." The greek god fibbed oh so clearly, I could tell by the way he was fidgeting and rubbing his neck. I raised my eyebrows toward him, "You sure about that?"

"Okay you got me. I just thought since I saved you, you should at least tell me your name." The dark haired man vocalized, unable to stand still. Hold up, he thought he saved me?

"Well for one you didn't 'save' me, because if he would've hit me I would've fell out and then sued his ass." Making sure he heard me loud and clear as it was still loud in here. "I would've showed up to court with a back brace and a cane." I clowned.

He was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes. Mr. Greek god wiped the tears from his eyes as he questioned "So what's your name?"

Because I was feeling nice and he 'saved' me I answered "Jordyn, and your name?" His face filled with awe and shock as he spoke "Roman, Roman Santana." Roman, hmmm that's actually a very fitting name. "Well Jordyn may I buy you a -" We're interrupted by the vibration of my phone.

I briefly look at my phone and it's an incoming call from Vanesa. I rolled my eyes as I decline the call. "I'm sorry, you were saying?" I ask Roman resuming the conversation.

"I was just going to ask if I can -" My phone vibrates off the wall this time. I look and discover that I have several missed calls and messages from Aaron and Vanesa. Glancing up my deep brown eyes connect with his hazel ones, as I apologetically say "I'm sorry, I'm just going to step outside and take care of this."

He smiles his gorgeous smile and says "It's alright I'll be waiting right here for you to come back." What a gentleman. When I reach outside I grab my phone and look at the messages.

Vanesa (Text)

Jordyn please can we talk about this?

Vanesa (Text)

Girl I know you got my message!

Vanesa (Text)

Please Jordyn we've been best friends since kindergarten, are you really going to throw it away now?

Jordyn (Text)

You threw it away when you slept with my man.

I rolled my eyes sending the message, while heading back inside the club. Now where is Roman?


She has absolutely no idea who I am. For the first time in a long time someone doesn't know who I am and she is absolutely breathtaking.

"What do you want to drink punk!" Terrell yelled at me pulling me out of my thoughts, while walking over to the side of the bar I'm on. Once he reaches me I dap him up saying "I want a jack and coke big dawg."

I've know Terrell for about two years now. "What's got you so happy?"

With a smile forming on my face I said "I just met this fine ass woman and she doesn't even know who I am. I think I'm in love." Okay I'm exaggerating, but I would love to get to know her.

"Fool how you 'love' somebody you just met?" Terrell questioned with furrowed eyebrows. "That doesn't matter, all I know is I need to get to know her." I dismissed his question with a wave of my hand, thinking about the dark eyed chocolate beauty.

"Yeah, okay." Terrell mumbled. I paid him no attention as I was looking around the club waiting for my chocolate goddess to return. I spotted Jordyn walking back over to the bar and hurriedly turned to Terrell. "Here she comes, act normal!" I babbled while inconspicuously checking my breath.

"Oh her? She's not gonna go for you." Terrell nonchalantly remarked while checking the bar. Okay kill my dreams like it's nothing.

"And why wouldn't she?" I asked.

"Well she just told me her boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend, and I doubt she wants to get into another relationship right now." He gossiped like a schoolgirl. "Plus she literally just met you like ten minutes ago."

I was going to respond when Jordyn sat down next to me. Damn, why do you have to smell so good?

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