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"Pipes theres a fight at camp come quick, Percy cant hold them off much longer" At the mention of Percys name Annabeth snapped to attention. 

"What do you mean he can't hold them off much longer?" Hazel asked  

Jason sucked in a sharp breath "you know Percy, he shoved everyone into the big house and there cabins and is holding a wall of water up, I told him to do what he did the other day but he refuses. He wont kill them unless it's with a sword. But he's trying to hold them off with water while everyone gets to safety. Annabeth you need to reason with him, he's loyal to a fault he wont let anyone fight and won't say why" 

Annabeth felt herself start to shake "what monsters are there?" she asked as calmly as she could.

 "There calling themselves the arai" Annabeth froze her legs giving out until she was on her knees. Calypso took a step back guilt welling in her eyes. 

"Hazel shadow travel us there now" Rachel said as the I'M glitched out. 

Annabeth stood breathing heavily "no just take me to camp, take everyone else to the big house to keep everyone else calm. This is not a battle I want anyone fighting, and I don't want Percy fighting it either" 

"Annabeth-" Katie started

 Calypso interrupted her "Annabeth is write the curses the Arai can inflict and dangerous and they wont be killed by anyone who doesn't have curses on them. Its a curse for a kill, and I know that if any of you even have curses its only enough to kill one or two and the curses would be to painful for normal demigods. Annabeth and Percy need to fight them or find a way to drive them off, there the only ones who can kill them or survive the curses" 

"But--" Thalia started to argue

Annabeth yelled "PERCY IS THERE RIGHT NOW AND I NEED TO GET TO HIM. Blame me later but I refuse to let him take this on without me or let any of you try to. Hazel get me there now" Her voice left no room for argument and she grabbed Hazels arm who nodded and teleported her into the beach at camp. Annabeth saw a large dome of water over camp the sky was a hurricane. She didn't waste time and ran to the front of camp knowing where to find Percy. She could hear the Arai in her head making her dizzy but all she could think about was getting to Percy. Percy was standing in front of the big house his arms raised to the sky and sweat dripping down his forehead. 

"PERCY" Annabeth screamed and he turned to her

 "There are nine left, I killed one Atlas cursed me with the weight of the sky" he groaned "Annabeth get to safety i'll hold them off" 

"Im not letting you do this alone Perce" 

Percy tried to smile but it was a grimace "so stubborn Wise Girl" The wall of water started to break down and Percy fell to his knees breathing heavily the Arai stormed in towards them and Annabeth stood protectively in front of Percy who was clutching his head and she could tell why he was reliving there time with Atlas and could feel the weight of life on his shoulders. She needed to get rid of the Arai and get Will to help him.

 The arai started to patronize her sweet daughter of Athena, we have gifts for you and the Poseidon son. Give up and come to Tartarus and we will make these debts go away. Give up Perseus and yourself. A arai came up behind her circling her and Percy. One of them threw something sharp and magical so quickly Annabeth couldn't block it from hitting Percy and he was writhing in pain seconds later. 

Annabeth slowly turned towards the arai and roared to Olympus, "TOUCH HIM AGAIN AND I WILL MAKE YOU BEG FOR DEATH" she unsheathed her drakon bone sword as the all went to attack and in one clean sweep all nine arai heads around her fell dissolving into dust she stabbed a few off there bodies to make a point as they drifted away.

He's coming for you the last arai whispered as it faded to dust.

 Then Annabeth felt the curses hit. One from the Sphinx cursing her with the overwhelming pain of failure. She could see what would have happened if she didn't get Percy in time. One from Medusa cursing her to be still and unable to fight back against the pain of the other curses. Curses from monsters feeding sharp pain into her body as her mind spun seeing failures. She was falling as the final curse came. Misery cursing her with the fumes of the poisons flowers. Annabeth was then out cold.


Percy woke up in a bed in the infirmary his head pounding. He took a second wondering how he got there when he remembered the arai and a sharp pain to his whole body. He remembered hearing Annabeth fighting the curses and being unable to help glued to the grown with sharp pain. He remembered being carried to the infirmary along with Annabeth. Annabeth. Where was Annabeth? 

He shot up ignoring the groaning in his head as his eyes adjusted "where is she?" he asked no one in particular. He could taste blood on his lip and feel stitches on the side of his arm probably from the sharp magic. All the Apollo kids turned to him all looking unwilling to speak. 

"Where is she." Percy demanded. 

Will broke through the crowd "she's asleep she killed all the arai in one sweep to save you Percy" Percy immediately felt guilt surround him she was hurt because she was busy protecting him. 

Percy stood leaning against the wall "take me to her, now"

 Will nodded, then said "she looks worse then she is one of the curses was with poison so she's a bit pale and she keeps muttering that she couldn't save you" 

Percy felt himself pale "could you figure out who the poison curse was from" 

Will nodded "Piper said it was something to do with the goddess Misery" Percy said nothing only gestured for Will to take him to Annabeth. Will pulled open a curtain to reveal Annabeth laying in bed. She looked pale and fragile like with the death mist and Percy shuttered.

 He pulled a chair right next to her bed "Thank you Wise Girl for saving me" he whispered "I love you" He took her hand in his and kissed it. Will told Percy, Annabeth would wake up soon then left them alone. Percy felt tears welling in his eyes. A few minutes later some color returned to Annabeth's face and then her eyes fluttered open, she groaned. 

Percy sighed in relief and rubbed her hair out of her face "Its okay Wise Girl. I'm here were both safe" 

Annabeth looked up at Percy and said "your such a vlakas  Perce, trying to take the arai on by yourself"

 Percy laughed in just happy she was awake enough to be arguing with him. "You did the same thing Wise Girl" 

Annabeth rolled her eyes "I am to exhausted to argue, lay with me Perce" Percy nodded and carefully moved Annabeth so she was laying in him arms with him facing her.

 "You scared me Perce" Annabeth said quietly. 

"You scared me to" he responded. 

Annabeth said "consider it payback for the amount of times you've tries to save me" 

Percy brushed a curl behind her ear kissing her forehead "what good am I if I can't save you" 

Annabeth responded "you have to let me be the hero sometimes Perce" 

Percy sighed "I don't like to see you get hurt"


 Percy laughed "your sure your okay" 

Annabeth nodded "Percy you play the sacrifice game all the time, today it was my turn to protect you" 

"You always protect me Wise Girl you make it so I have something to fight for" 

Annabeth smiled "just let me bask in the heroic glory for a minute" 

Percy smiled back "take all the time you need Wise Girl" 

They fell asleep in each others arms when the Apollo kids took a new picture for the Percabeth scrapbook. 

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