LEO and...

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Percy and Annabeth immediately sat up and gave each other a look. Then they bolted out of the cabin barefoot and in their pajamas. In the center of all the cabins Leo Valdez stood yelling at a metal dragon on the floor. Percy and Annabeth's jaws dropped. Soon more and more people exited their cabins. After a minute of silence Piper flew at Leo along with the rest of the seven. 

Leo grinned "miss me?" Piper with tears in her eyes looked like she was gonna hug him but instead settled for punching him in the face. Leo basically flew back and then Piper attacked him with a hug. The rest of the seven ran up and they all fell to the floor crying and hugging. 

Jason said angrily "how could you let us think you were dead?" 

Leo's hands flew up in defense "I needed to make sure you would see me again" 

Annabeth gave Leo a death stare causing him to shrink "you cant just leave like that and let us think you are dead or hurt" Leo rubbed his cheek where Piper had hit him. Annabeth looked like she was about to also hit him but Percy wrapped his arms around her before she could. 

Frank asked "why wouldn't you have seen us again?" 

Leo grinned "I would like you to meet my girlfriend" Most of camp gasped and Leo stuck out his tongue "its not that unbelievable that Leo Valdez bad boy supreme has a girlfriend" he defended, he then turned to the dragon and from behind it a girl with caramel hair popped out and grabbed his hand. Percy felt his eyes pop out and then anger came. 

Calypso stood in front of him. He clenched his fists. First anger at the gods, that the gods didn't follow threw when she asked them to free Calypso. Then anger at himself, that he had never checked to make sure the gods followed through. Then most of all anger at Calypso. She had cursed Annabeth. He would have been fine if she had cursed him, but to curse Annabeth. That was low. A girl she had never met just because Percy went back to Annabeth. She hurt Annabeth at the most painful time of their lives. Calypso caught his eyes and looked down.

 Leo said "meet the girl I freed from her island Calypso" There was a slight gasp from everyone. 

He saw Calypso wave and say "Hello, i'm Calypso" Percy was brought out of his anger when he felt Annabeth's hand fall from his the second Calypso spoke. He turned to see her looking around frantically.

 "Annabeth?" he asked worriedly. Her arms shot out like she couldn't see.

 "Percy where are you?" she cried out. Most of the campers looked shocked seeing Annabeth their fearless leader break down at this moment especially. Wasn't she happy Leo was back? Percy immediately ran up to her as she flailed her arms around. 

He was already crying "Annabeth listen to me, i'm here, were out" 

Annabeth stopped moving then collapsed to the floor "Percy where did you go?"

 Percy immediately ran up to her and took her hands in his then pulled her into him "Im here Annabeth, I would never leave you" Leo who was watching in shop looked at Calypso as hurt, guilt, regret, fear, and anger passed through her features. 

Annabeth eyes cleared and with a gasp she pulled herself into Percy sobbing "I thought you left, the arai, the curse it all came back when I heard her" 

Percy kissed her forehead "I know Wise Girl, I know" Leo turned to Calypso who was shaking. 

"Whats wrong?" he asked her. Calypso seemed guilty and angry. Percy helped Annabeth up a few minutes later as rage flickered in both their eyes. The campers were terrified, Percy and Annabeth looked downright vengeful. Then they followed Percabeths line of sight. They were staring straight at Calypso. 

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