Nightmare Filled Night

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Sorry this is a short chapter!

Annabeth was in front of Percy. Her eyes were completely white and she was bleeding. Percy tried to run for her but she couldn't see him. Then she crumpled to the floor shaking. Percy couldn't move. 

"Poor Perseus" Tartarus said "cant even save his little girlfriend" 

"Annabeth" Percy called, but she laid motionless.

Percy was having a nightmare. 


Annabeth was asleep snuggled up to Percy on their sleeping bags on the floor when she felt him shift. 

She sat straight up as Percy called "Annabeth" 

Everyone woke up and Annabeth grabbed Percys hands "Percy, i'm right here, look at me Perce" By then the mortals were looking startled. Why was Percy screaming? 

Percy started to shake and a tear dripped down Annabeth's eye "come on Seaweed Brain, i'm right here, wake up!" Sally and Paul came running in and Sally ran up and put her hand on Annabeth's shoulder. 

Paul looked on sadly as Annabeth said again "you have to wake up Perce, you cant leave me"

Percy had started to breath harder "As long as we're together" Annabeth said leaning down and kissing him. Percy then a moment later shot straight up breathing heavily. Sally sighed in relief and Annabeth started to cry. Percy's eyes cleared and he pulled Annabeth into a fierce embrace as Piper hugged Jason while crying. Thalia had to swallow back her sorrow. It hurt seeing the couple so broken. 

"Its okay" Annabeth muttered tangling her fingers in Percys hair "its okay" Percy's breathing started to slow and he pulled away and cupped Annabeth's cheek in his hand. She leaned into the touch then broke down. This was the worst nightmare either of them had in a while. 

Percys face was pale and he whispered "I thought--" 

"I know Seaweed Brain, I know" Annabeth said before Percy could finish. Percy kissed her forehead, inhaling the smell of her lemon shampoo reminding himself that she was okay. Annabeth gave him a watery smile.

 He sighed "sorry" he mumbled. 

Annabeth nearly laughed "you have nothing to be sorry for Perce" She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him burying her face in the crook of his neck. Percy sighed in relief. 

Sally gave Percy a reassuring smile "you okay sweetheart?" Percy nodded at his mom and then to Paul. Piper and Jason gave Percy a sympathetic look and Thalia took a seat beside Percy and Annabeth and put a hand on Annabeth's shoulder. This was her honorary brother and sister. She couldn't bare to see them in pain. Percy then turned and realized there mortal friends were still there. 

"What just happened--" Darren asked and Jack nodded. Percy sighed he could tell Annabeth was asleep because she could feel her breathing steady against his neck. He was gonna have to explain on his own. 

Thalia glared at the mortals "none of your--" 

Percy cut her off "its okay Thals" he sent Sally and Paul a glance that basically told them he would handle it.  Percy looked to the mortals "we both have PTSD" Piper started crying again and Jason sat on the floor with her. 

Josie asked "from what?" 

Percy started searching for a lie but Jason beat him to it "Percy and Annabeth both got lost and injured on a trip with a few friends. It took them a while to get back and they met some scary people" 

Percy gave Jason a thankful smile and Max muttered "holy shit, you guys have been through a lot" Percy gave a small smile. They didn't even know half of it. 

Percy looked for something else to say and settled with "As long as Annabeth's okay everything will work itself out"

 Thalia groaned "you had to get all coupley" Percy laughed along with the mortals. Percy didn't go back to sleep last night instead he played games with Thalia, Piper, and Jason while everyone else slept. Annabeth woke up the next morning, still wrapped around Percy to find him playing uno with them. 

Percy noticing she woke up smiled at her "morning Wise Girl" 

Annabeth gave him a worried look "how are you feeling today Percy?" 

 "Much better, I love you Wise Girl" He gave her a kiss 

Annabeth kissed him back "love you to Seaweed Brain" They spent the rest of the morning playing uno until the mortals woke up. Then they had breakfast. The mortals were starting to understand Percy and Annabeth a lot more. A demigods life was never easy, but Percy and Annabeth would be okay as long as they had each other.

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