Percabeths Scars

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Some of this idea is Cliche and used in other fanfics but hurt/comfort especially about scars is one of my favorite things.

Percy and Annabeth knew they couldn't hide their scars forever even as much as they wanted to. Percy had a specifically bad nightmare on the Sunday night before the second week of school started. He thought he had let Annabeth fall alone. Annabeth of course had been there taking him in her arms and running her hand through his hair. 

The next morning Annabeth woke with a start realizing Percy wasn't next to her. He was brushing his teeth. She started to hyperventilate. She was back in Tartarus and Percy had left her. Hearing her whimper Percy ran from the bathroom riptide in pen form in his hand. When he saw Annabeth his heart shattered. She was rocking back and forth whimpering. He ran up to her and scooped her into his lap so she was facing him. Carefully he removed her hands from her eyes. He started talking to her telling her to slow her breathing. Finally Annabeth's eyes cleared and she hugged Percy tightly. Percy kissed her forehead.  Sally walked in on the sight on her heart nearly shattered in two. 

She walked forward towards the couple cautiously "you guys have to start getting ready okay?" Percy nodded and whispered to Annabeth who turned around and looked at Sally. Sally grabbed her hands "Are you okay sweetheart?" 

Annabeth nodded then broke into tears "I thought he had left" 

Sally gave Annabeth's hands a motherly squeeze "he would never in a million years even think about it, now start getting ready" Sally walked out of the room to make breakfast. They got ready quickly after another few moments and headed to the kitchen. 

"Take something to eat quickly or you are going to be late" Sally said. Paul was already at the table sipping coffee. Percy grabbed Annabeth's hand knowing both of them were on edge from the nightmare and panic attack. They sat together and ate finally getting out of their heads. 

When they got in the car Paul said "If you need anything today you two know where to find me" 

Percy smiled "thanks Paul but I think we will be all right today" 

Annabeth nodded "I think we're fine now" Paul nodded knowing he needed to at least pretend to believe them. On the drive Percy was playing eye spy with Annabeth who was winning.  They got to school and waved bye to Paul and went to Percys locker. Cas was already there talking to Max and Darren.

 "Hey guys" Percy waved. 

Max turned "hey man, hey Annabeth" Annabeth smiled not feeling too much like talking. Darren and Cas were in the midst of an argument. 

Max asked "did you bring extra P.E. clothes Perce I totally forgot mine?" 

Percy shook his head "I completely forgot we were even changing today luckily me and Annabeth carry sports gear" 

Annabeth nodded realizing she should start to speak before someone asked what was wrong "why don't you ask the P.E. Coach?"

 Max laughed "he would send me to the lost and found" 

Percy put his finger in the belt loop of Annabeth's jeans "why don't you ask Cole?" 

Max nodded "he was my second option after you, all his clothes are to brightly colored" Percy laughed and Annabeth leaned into him. 

After a moment the gears in her brain started to turn "Perce" she whispered. 

He leaned down "yeah Wise Girl" 

"about P.E."

 "what about it?" 

"the scars Seaweed Brain all our sports gear is stuff we normally wear around people who know about the godly world, what will mortals think?" 

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