Proposal Permission and SPIDERS

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Percy had to wait a whole week and ask his mom to get Annabeth out of the house so he could I'M her parents and the gods. He needed to discuss his proposal with them and basically warn them it was gonna happen. He was a bit past asking for permission. Sally was taking Annabeth out for lunch for an hour. Annabeth agreed immediately because Sally was amazing. 

Annabeth finished getting ready then went to the kitchen and kissed Percy "see you soon Seaweed Brain, love you" 

He grinned and pulled her in for another quick kiss "love you to Wise Girl, if you need anything tell mom to call Paul" 

Annabeth sighed "we will be fine Perce" Percy nodded and let go of her hand reluctantly. Annabeth grabbed her jacket and followed Sally out the door. 

About five minutes later Paul walked into the room "Don't you have gods to be calling?"

 Percy nodded sheepishly "I just want to be positive they wont come back in" 

Paul laughed "the cars gone I checked go make some calls Percy"

 Percy nodded gratefully and shot up from his seat. He ran to his room and spilled some water on the desk and then put a drachma in it "Fleecy do me a solid and show me--" he thought before a moment before deciding to start with Fredrick. Annabeth's relationship with her dad had improved enough that Percy should make the call but not enough that Fredrick really deserved to be involved. He finished "Fredrick Chase". A few seconds later an image blinked onto the water. Fredrick Chase noticing it dropped the dishes he was doing.

 He turned and squinted at Percy "Percy, is Annabeth okay?" 

Percy nodded "actually, I wanted to ask--" he stopped. He wanted to ask he really wanted to, but he couldn't bring himself to basically lie to Fredrick by making him think he had a choice on the matter. "well inform you, that I plan on proposing to Annabeth" Percy said.

 Fredrick first seemed shocked then he sighed "If I said no i'm guessing you still would do it?" Percy nodded slowly, he felt a bit of remorse for Fredrick. Fredrick said "I know I don't even deserve you telling me so thank you Percy, and just so you know my answer would have been yes. You make Annabeth happier than anyone ever has. On top of the fact that I know you will protect her. My only request is that you I'M me after you propose so I can apologize to Annabeth" Percy smiled. He appreciated Fredricks self awareness.

 "Of course" Percy scrunched his nose "Any advice on telling Athena?" 

Fredrick looked horrified "good luck to you" 

Percy gave him a lopsided smile "its okay Aphrodite will convince her, thank you Mr. Chase" 

Fredrick waved goodby "thank you for telling me Percy" The mist faded out and Percy smiled contently. One down, the gods to go. He decided he would I'M Athena, then Hera, then Aphrodite, then Hestia.

 He said "Fleecy do me a solid and show me Athena" A few seconds later Athena fizzled on. She was sitting in one of the temples on Olympus. 

She glared at Percy "Sea Spawn, before you speak I already know what you come to ask" Percy felt himself gulp, Athena was the only goddess he tried to not anger purposefully. He knew Athenas relationship with Annabeth was weird and wanted to make sure not to damage it anymore. Athena continued "I have already discussed it with your father and we have made the ring which I'm sure he plans to deliver to you shortly. This doesn't mean I like you Perseus but I do agree that if you make my daughter happy, you are worthy of her" Percy felt his jaw drop. Athena was actually improving of there relationship??? 

Percy just nodded and mumbled "Thank you Lady Athena" 

Athena gave him a forced smile "don't mess this up Jackson" with that the mist faded. 

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