Visiting Camp

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Italics= greek

After the whole issue with the mortal muggers a week prior Percy and Annabeth needed a break from the mortal world. Their friends had become increasingly more suspicious of them, which was incredibly annoying. They also wanted to visit Grover again before he left. They left on a Saturday morning promising Sally and Paul they would be back soon. Sally of course let them go but was wary about it. Of course she was, her son had disappeared for months after one of these trips. 

Annabeth though had promised she would storm Olympus if it ever happened again. The only reason she didn't the first time was because she didn't want to make things worse. Now she didn't care. The gods didn't care for her so why should she care for them. Even her and her mother were still at odds after the whole quest thing. They had debated vapor traveling to camp, but Percy was trying to avoid using that power at all costs. He didn't want to use any unnecessary power. He was terrified after what he had done in the pit. He scared Annabeth. Annabeth though wasn't scared of Percy at all when he did that. She was scared of how he would feel about himself after. Thats why she stopped him. She had wanted misery to die more than anyone but she was not gonna let Percy carry that guilt.

 They took a cab down to camp. The whole time the cab driver kept silent and Percy and Annabeth leaned on each other sitting in comfortable silence. Half way through the drive they started talking about random things. 

"Do you think theres a capture the flag game this weekend?" 

Annabeth raised an eyebrow "do you think they will even let us play after that stunt we pulled last time?" 

Percy shrugged squeezing Annabeth's hand "it's not my fault everyone finds our life so entertaining" 

Annabeth smiled "Thanks to Hephaestus Tv I think the gods do to"

 Percy groaned "why cant they stay out of our business?" 

 Annabeth sighed looking at the hills that rolled next to them as they drove "Simply because they don't want to" Percy nodded, the gods loved to torture them. Percy was brought back to the day with the fates when he was twelve years old. When he saw a string get cut by three knitting old ladies. 

He turned to Annabeth "I told you about when I saw the fates right?

Annabeth nodded "remember it took you an hour to calm me down after you told me you saw them cut a string

Percy pulled her into him "I wonder if everything started there or before that

Annabeth thought for a moment "everything started the second you were born Percy"  

Percy traced the scars on Annabeth arm "I wouldn't change a thing" he said. 

Annabeth leaned up and gave him a solid kiss "neither would I"


When Percy and Annabeth arrived at camp they were greeted by Chiron and Mr. D. Chiron was smiling and Mr. D looked about ready to go back to his game of whatever he was playing. Percy wondered for a minute why in Ancient Greece mortals  feared this guy so much. 

He was brought out of his thoughts by Chiron trotting forward "Percy dear boy, how is the mortal world?" 

Percy scrunched his nose "still stressful" 

Chiron laughed patting him on the back and trotting over to Annabeth "Do you agree Miss Chase?"

 Annabeth nodded,  but then sighed "still better then running errands for the gods" 

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