The Last Day of Camp

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Percy and Annabeth headed to breakfast on the last day of summer holding hands and smiling. They walked to the Poseidon table and took a seat. They had been doing this even before the Titan War ended. Percy otherwise would have had to sit alone due to Tyson being in the forges. Jason and Piper walked to the table and took a seat. Poseidon being the chill god he was didn't mind the other children sitting at his table. He only minded if anyone sat on his throne, but Percy was the only one who ever dared attempt that.

 Piper smiled "Are you two excited?" Percy nodded eagerly, his mouth full of syrupy pancakes. He can't drown and neither can his pancakes. 

Annabeth smiled handing him a napkin "Seaweed Brain here can't wait to see Sally" 

Jason smirked "So its true that the great Percy Jackson is a mommas boy" 

Percy swallowed then stuck out his tongue at the son of Zeus "why wouldn't I be? My mom is the best"

 Annabeth nodded in agreement causing Piper to nudge her and say "A fan of your mother-in-law to be." Annabeth blushed slightly but knew every word Piper had said was true. Percy and her had decided they wanted to get married before college in New Rome. Percy said he was going to propose and make it a big surprise and they would get married in the summer. Annabeth had laughed and told him she couldn't wait. Annabeth never had a family before Percy, well besides Thalia and Luke-- but Percy was the only person who truly ever stood by her. Although her relationship with her father and stepmother improved, she was never connected to the last name Chase and couldn't wait to be a Jackson. 

Percy said "I haven't seen my mom in almost a year, well in person that is" Annabeth grabbed his hand knowing Percy was beating himself up over something the Cow Goddess had done. Let's just say Annabeth and Hera weren't on the best of terms. Percy was so distraught he wasn't home for his seventeenth birthday but the gods refused to let them leave camp until the beginning of September, telling them it was safer that way. Annabeth had grumbled about the fact that the gods had never cared about their safety before. Percy although sad was so done with arguing with the gods that he had given in. There last day at camp had finally arrived giving them two weeks until school started to spend purely with Paul and a pregnant Sally. 

Jason gave the couple a small smile "well I for one cant wait to visit your house Perce and try the famous blue cookies"

 Percy laughed "My mom does make the best cookies" 

Piper raised an eyebrow "you never did tell us why they were blue" Percy's face darkened a bit but only enough that Annabeth noticed, she knew all about Smelly Gabe and Percy knew all about Helen. Let's just say step-parents excluding Paul weren't the couples favorite thing. 

Percy answered for Piper "My moms ex-husband said blue food didn't exist so of course my mother being the queen she is had to prove him wrong" Percy's troublemaker grin had reappeared on his face making Annabeth smile. Annabeth loved Percy for what was on the inside but it did help that Percy was extremely attractive. Annabeth's favorite thing happened to be the troublemaker grin that drove her 12 year old self insane. 

Annabeth kissed Percys cheek "Ive also missed Sally and Paul a lot" The older couple had gotten really close with Annabeth over Percys disappearance. 

Percy grinned "she misses you to Wise Girl" Percy and Sally had I'Med every day since they got back to camp. Even though they couldn't see each other in person Sally had made sure to spend every second she could talking to Percy. One of the many reasons she was so amazing. She had also been updated on the situation after Tartarus and was super excited to have Annabeth around especially if it made Percy happy. Sally didn't know much of what happened in the Pit but Percy promised to tell her the whole story when they could see each other in person again. Percy didn't want his mother to worry. 

Jason smirked at the couple changing the subject "who's ready for capture the flag tonight? Its the final game of the summer" 

Annabeth's face changed to her planning face "Red teams going to win" 

Percy shook his finger in front of her face "no blue is best Annabeth" 

Heres the thing about Capture the Flag with Percabeth, if they were on the same team the other team had zero chance. Even if it was just the two of them verses the rest of camp. Having the two most powerful and smartest demigods (yes Percy is smart) on a team together didn't work well for the other team. So the solution was to have them on separate teams. Good idea right? Wrong, then it became a challenge for the campers to take their eyes of Percy and Annabeth fighting. They knew each other so well that it took about an hour for them to finish a duel. Annabeth always ended up winning. Why, you may ask. Well the answer is simple Percy would have a sword at her neck and Annabeth would reach up and peck his lips and with in seconds Annabeth would win. Annabeth took Percy being distracted to her advantage and would flip her dagger around pointing it at his throat. 

She would then smirk and say "all is fair in love and war". Yes the power of seduction always won. Percy technically won though if you asked him. The last few games of Capture the Flag, the couple hadn't played, but now they couldn't wait to get back into it. 

Piper smiled "Ive never played a game with both of you" 

Percy nodded taking another bite then saying with his mouth full "I wish you luck". Piper was on Annabeth's team. It really in the end was the Athena versus Poseidon cabin. Although a certain demigod had declared that rivalry over, it was still a fun way to play. The rest of the day passed slowly in Percys opinion. When he complained to Annabeth about it she said it was because he was excited to go home the next morning. 

Finally though after dinner it was time for capture the flag. It was the red team (Athena, Zeus, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, and Ares) vs the blue team (Poseidon, Apollo, Hades, Hermes, Dionysus, and Demeter). 

Chiron strode out to the middle of the field and called "campers, 3...2...1...GOOOO" He then quickly trotted out of the way. Percys teams plan was to just go for it. The red team had all the real planners. The red teams plan was to get Percy out of the way, because with him gone they had a definite win. Percy sat crossed legged in front of the flag as his other team members ran trying to find the red teams flag. He waited there patiently making shapes with water when he heard what he was waiting for. Even without her invisibility cap Annabeth was extremely stealthy. A small tell Annabeth had was her cracking her knuckles when preparing to fight. It was only something Percy ever noticed. 

He stood and in front of him found Annabeth, he grinned at her "Hey Wise Girl" 

She smirked "Seaweed Brain" Then they started to battle. Jason who had ran up to be Annabeth's back up could barely pick his mouth up off the ground watching the two demigods spar. They were a whirlwind of swords. The rest of the campers started to gather watching the battle. Even Clarisse didn't interrupt the battle to take the flag. She appreciated the duel too much. After about twenty minutes of watching the same thing that always happened decided to happen. Annabeth pecked Percy on the lips and within seconds her drakon bone sword was at his neck.

 "All is fair in love and war" Annabeth stated. Percy laughed and then kissed her deeply on the lips causing her to lower her sword. He quickly scooped her up bridal style as she screamed for him to put her down as he ran towards the Poseidon Cabin. 

Jason was the first to speak "now what?" He wished Leo had been there to see it. He saddened thinking of Repair Boy but then smiled slightly thinking of Frank and Hazel back at camp Jupiter. He couldn't imagine what Hazels 1940's mind would have thought of the PDA and Franks innocent self.

 Clarisse shrugged "now that Annabeth and Prissy are gone we actually play" Jason laughed and they restarted the game.

 Percy and Annabeth though had already won.

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