Field trip 1 (EMPIRE STATE)

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It was the morning of the Empire State Building Trip. They had been told by the school two days before. There mortal friends were very excited about it. Apparently they were gonna be taken on a tour of a few floors of the building. Percy and Annabeth tried to make something up so they didn't have to go, but decided to face what was coming. Percy was happy about that because he somehow knew that he would be getting the ring on the trip.

That morning the couple woke up early groaning at the fact that the day had come. They got ready quickly and chose to wear their normal shirts instead of camp ones, in hopes that it would derail the front desk person from being suspicious of them. Although pretty much everyone who knew about the gods knew about Percabeth. After they got ready they had ten minutes before they had to go and Percy dragged Annabeth to the couch where they decided to rest for an extra second. 

"Percy?" Annabeth asked

 "mhm" he responded, and Annabeth rolled her eyes

 "did you finish your Science homework?" 

Percy snuggled his face in her neck and mumbled "no" Annabeth pulled away and gave him a stern look to which he shrunk and said  "I promise i'll do it when we get home, although some motivation would be nice"

] He grinned at her and she asked "what type of motivation"

 "this" he said and captured her lips in his.

 Sally walked in and the couple broke apart as she smiled "come on you two it's time to go" They nodded and gave Sally hugs before getting in the car.

 Paul started explaining the plan for the day "So you will be split up into groups of 10 each with a chaperone. I already made sure you and your friends are in my group" 

Percy smiled "thank you Paul" 

Paul looked at the couple through the mirror and said "as long as you two can try not to blow anything up today i'll accept your thanks"

 Annabeth teased "Percy is the one who likes to blow stuff up" 

Percy said indignantly "name one thing i've blown up"

 Paul said "the Goode Band Room"

 Then Annabeth listed more "the St. Louis Arch, Mt Saint Helens, a school bus, and more that I don't feel like listing" 

Paul chuckled and Percy turned red, then Paul came to a realization "YOU BLEW UP A VOLCANO???" Percy shrugged and then told the story, by the time they got to school Paul couldn't believe what he had learned about his step son. Percy was either really powerful or really reckless. Or both. Probably both. 

When they got to school they met up with their friends by the school bus, the trip was just for seniors so there weren't many of them. 

Cole was bouncing on his heels when they walked up and Annabeth asked "Why so excited?" 

Cole started too ramble "because the empire state building is so cool, remember that year it lit up blue?" 

Percy felt his face pale and Annabeth quickly said "we were at camp at the time" 

Max jumped in "no the coolest is the legend that there are more then 102 floors in the building, that theres a secret floor" It was Annabeth's turn to pale and luckily Josie and Cas walked up saving them

 "come on lets get on the bus" Josie said "everyone else is already sitting" Percy and Annabeth quickly nodded happy to be saved from the conversation. When they got on the bus teenagers were already talking loudly and throwing things. Percy and Annabeth sat across from Jack and Darren who were talking about the swim meet the next weekend. 

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