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That night I sat in bed looking ahead of me to see ryan fast asleep everyone was fast asleep.

I sigh and get up and quietly out a shirt on and slide on my flip flops and leave the cabin I stand there looking around I start slowly walking kicking the rocks under me as I was down to the water.

I sit down and watch the water calmly swaying back and forth I hug my knees close to my chest.

I felt awful..

Ryan was having fun he seems happy talking to her..but I can't help but feel sad seeing them together..
Ryan doesn't even act like my boyfriend anymore over the past two days he has only said good morning to me..

The truth is.. I'm jealous I really am seeing the way those two act makes me jealous Ryan is always smiling talking to her and even laughing!?

Barely anyone can make Ryan laugh!?
It took a while before I got him to even slightly smile around me but she comes in and he is a whole different person...

I miss holding his hand.. I miss talking to him all day.. I just miss hearing him talk to me he always talked to me about anything we trust each other..

I rub my eyes noticing that I was crying..

"Hey..?" I whip my head around and see max standing behind me

"Oh hey.."

"Can I sit?"

"Ya sure"

He sits down next to me and looks at me.

"Whats wrong?"

I sigh turning my head to look at him.

"Do you ever just have fights with yourself?"



"Ya mine are about school or Laura but then I realize that there is no point in fighting with yourself but that's not the point... so does that mean your fighting with yourself?"




"Ryan? Why?"

"He is my boyfriend"

"Oh! Nice"


"Alright so what is it about?"

"I think he might not be interested in me anymore.."

"What why?"

"Well since you guys showed up he just hasn't talked to me.."


"So what if he realized that he doesn't want me anymore or I'm just not enough for him"

"Hey don't say that I doubt thats what he thinks dylan to me you seem like a great guy"


"Ofcourse and just because Ryan talks to Laura doesn't mean that they have any romantic feelings for each other"

"But it's normal to over think man don't worry"

I sigh letting go of my knees rubbing my eyes again.

"If I were you tomorrow I would talk to ryan tell him how you feel"

"Thanks max"

"No problem.."

"But can we go back in I'm tired"

"Oh ya sure" I laugh standing up I help max up and we head back to the cabin I open the door for max he smiles and walks I walk in after him closing the door behind him I yawn removing my flip flops.
And climbing back into bed falling asleep.

The next morning I wake up and head to the washroom to wash my face I hear everyone start to wake up but I mostly hear jacob.

"Rise and shine~"

"Shut up" ryan groans

I laugh and bit a dry my face before walking back out.

"Morning" I smile walking over to my clothes and picking out my clothes before heading back to the washroom to change.

Once the kids wake up we head over to the cafeteria to eat sit down at the table next ryan.

I turn my head to look at him he turns his head to and smiles.

"Hey" he says


"I feel like I barely see you" he says


"Dylan are you alright..?"

"Uhm ya sorry"

"If you say say so you can talk to me though"




"Mind getting the music started?" Chris says I look back at ryan who was looking at me confused.

"Uhm sure" I say

"I'll talk to you later" I say before getting up and leaving to the radio hut.
On my walk there I think about what I planned on saying to to him I couldn't just start blabbering stuff out of my mouth..

"Shit-" I gasp as the hit the ground I groan and rub my palms seeing them all cut up I look back and see a branch.

"Ofcourse I trip on a branch" I roll my eyes standing up and continue walking looking around at the pretty scenery.

I push the door open to the hit and step in walking over and picking a song before hurrying back to the others.

"Dylan!" I turn my head to see max

"Oh hey"

"Your with me today!"

"Oh okay doing what?"



The two of us walk over to the dock as the kids stand around us max does most of the talking as I had no idea about this thing so I had no clue why I was doing this..

"Dylan" max turns to me

"Oh ya?"

"Would you like to demonstrate?"

"Uhm what?"

"Dylan pay attention" max laughs


"But I think it's better if you demonstrate.." I laugh

"Fine" max sighs before stepping into the boat I look back at the beach to see ryan stood with his arms crossed with a smile watching the kids I whip my head around when I hear a loud splash.

When I look max was gone.

"Max?" I say

"He fell!" A kid says

"Oh shi- crap.." I say before jumping into the water looking around but don't see anything I get my head out of the water and look at the kids.

"Are you sure he fell?"



I gasp and let out a scream as max splashs out of the water infront of me.

"You jerk!" I say splashing him

"Hey had to make you pay attention some how!"

"So you thought to scare me!"

"Yup and it worked!" He smiles climbing onto the dock helping me up I stand there looking at my wet shirt.

"Dude" I say looking at him as he holds in a laugh I grin and grad his sleeve pushing him back into the water.

"Wow okay so reminder to self do not scare dylan" he laughsas he pops his head back up


moving on {Dylan x Ryan}Where stories live. Discover now