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I start chasing after him he looks behind him and yelps going faster.

"Get over here!" I grin

"No way!"

"Oh come on I just want a hug!"


He runs around a tree I trap him in a corner and slowly walk towards Him.

"Hey now" he grins

"I just want a hug" I grin wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him to my chest swaying side to side.

I feel him use one hand to pat my back I let go and smile.

"I'm way faster then you by the way"

"Way to rub it in" he rolls his eyes

"Its just because of my amazing long legs"

"How are you even that tall your mom is a small woman"

"My dad maybe"

"You don't know what he looks like?"

"Nope" I shrug I grab his hand and joins the girls who were waiting at the front of the Cafe.

"Finally" emma rolls her eyes

I nudge her inside she just laughs as we find a spot.

"Why couldnt Kaitlyn come?"


"Oh poor her"

"So emma your a cheerleader right?" Mia says turning to face emma.

"Oh ya"

"We can see you guys practicing from the debate class and you are super good!"

"Oh thanks your in debate?"



I turn my head and look at ryan he just shrugs I watch as the two talk Mia eyes basically lighting up everything emma says something remotely cool.

"I like you hair by the way" emma smiles

"Oh thanks I told dylan he should dye his"


"Ya like a blue "

"Ya I can see that"

"If he would let me I totally would I'm a pro " she smiles

"Ya..I don't know" I say

"Just think about it you would look super cool"

I look next to me at ryan who was looking out of the window holding his head up with his hand he looked like he was deep in thought.

"I'll be right back " mia says standing up walking off to the washroom.

"I like her she seems nice"

"Only because she was giving you compliments" ryan mutters

"What?" Emma ask

"Nothing" ryan says loud enough to hear this time.

What was up with him?

"I'm back" mia says sitting next to emma again

We stay for another hour before leaving to go back to the dorms I walked with Ryan holding hands as mia and emma talked about all kinds of stuff.

We get back to the dorms and say goodbye to mia before the three of us head to the lounge room and sit down.

"So when did you meet her?" Emma ask

"At that party"

"But I got to know her more last night "

"How?" Ryan ask

"Well I went to the art room and she went there too and we talked"

"Okay" he says looking at his feet

We talk a for a while until emma checks her phone and stands up.

"Alright guys let's go" she says we both stand up and follow her to the parking lot and get into her car.

She starts driving without saying anything I watch out the windows as the trees go by and then notice we've been driving for a long time.



"Are you sure this is the right way?"

"Mhm were almost there" she says I sit back and look out the window again when we pull into a road stopping at a little hut thing with a gate blocking us from going in.

"Tickets please" the guy says emma hands him three then the gate opens.

"This is a movie emma?"

"Yes it is its a car movie theater" she says pulling up next to a black truck and park jacob hops out of the truck next to us and so does nick and abi.

"Hey guys!"
Emma smiles getting out and so do me and ryan.

"Happy birthday!" Emma says hugging abi

"Thanks" she smiles

We all set up in the back of Jacob's truck and climb in getting comfortable I hold onto ryans hand placing it on my lap rubbing my thumb up and down.

I whip my head around when something hits my head I see nick snickering I look down at my lap and see a piece a popcorn nick jumps out of the trunk and starts hurrying away I laugh and follow him wrapping my arms around his neck swinging him around.

"Throwing food at me now" I say laughing

"Oh god help I'm being attacked" he says ina dramatic tone

"Oh really your being attacked?"

"Oh the pain" he gasp

I laugh and push him away from me he laughs kicking dirt at me which I kick back.

"I swear those two are kids" I hear emma say I look and see the group staring at us I grin and wave before kicking dirt at nick again.

"Hey I only kicked once!" He gasp

"So you deserve two!"

"Listen your my best friend but that does not mean I will not destroy you right now"

"Come at me" I glare at him he comes running at me wrapping his arms around my waist I plant my feet in the dirt pushing back the dirt crunching under us as we struggle with each other.

But I lose my balance and fall on my butt which makes nick burst out laughing.

"Guys hurry the movies starting" abi waves us over nick helps me up I hurry over clearing my butt of any dirt and sit back down next to ryan.

"Your a child" he whispers

"You love it" I whisper back

I relax and enjoy the movies with my friends before sadly having to leave not knowing when I would see them again...

"See you guys" Jacob smiles climbing into his truck.

"Bye!"nick waves climbing into the trucks passenger seat and abi waves before climbing into the back seat of the truck and they drive off.

"Well that was fun" ryan says

"Sure was but I'm super tired so let's please head back" emma groans

"Okay but you have to drop me off at my house" ruan says

"Sure let's go"

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