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"Come on it will look so cool!"

"I agree it would look great" emma chimes in

"How long will it stay?"

"Well sense your hair is a dark color it won't stick like it would if you were blonde so I'd say like three weeks"

I sigh and look at the bottle of blue hair dye infront of me.


"Yay!!" Mia smiles

"Alright sit infront of me" mia says I place myself infront of her my back facing her she takes a hair clip and clips up my hair I flinch a bit when I feel something cold touch my scalp.

"Relax it's not going to kill you"

"It was cold"

"Mhm" mia says with a faint chuckle
The hole thing was weird I had no idea what she was doing but she finished soon so I sat there with a weird feeling in my hair it felt wet and I hated it.

"Ooo your going to look great" emma smiles

"Alright I'm going to rinse this off" mia says standing up and heading to the wash room.

"Emma guess what"


"When I was at ryans I saw that he had a photo of me on his desk"

"Wait really"

"Ya it was a photo of me with the kids at camp"

"That's adorable!"

"It so is"

"Alright how do I look" mia says poping out if the washroom with bright pink hair.

"So good" emma grins

"Why thank you" mia grins sitting back down.

"Just a few more minutes and you can wash it off dyl"


"Sooo I have a feeling ryan doesn't like me.." mia sighs

"Why would he not?"

"I don't know but he just never talked to me..."

"Don't worry ryan is like that" emma says

"Alright" mia says I few minutes go by and mia brings me to the washroom and puts my head under the tub foist.

"Your not going to drown me right?" I say

"Maybe" she grins before turning on the water I watch the water turn dark blue and it leaves my hair.

Mia turns off the water and hands me a towel I dry my hair and look in the mirror.

"Holy shit!" Mia gasp

"What!" Emma pops her head in

"It looks great!" Mia says

I stare and myself in the mirror thr roots of my hair were still brown but lower down my hair was a deep blue it kind of look like dipped my hair in paint.

"You know what it's not that bad"
I shrug

"Told you you'd like it" mia smiles

"Its definitely new"

"Well it's your first time dying your hair"

"Well thank you for this but I'm going to head to my dorm"

"Alright see you later!" Mia waves

"Bye dylan!"

I walk out closing the door behind me and heading up to my floor and to my dorm I open the door and see Markus laying on his bed looking at his phone.

"Oh hey- wow your hair" Markus says

"Ya my friend dyed it"

"Looks cool"


I grab something to sleep in and head to the washroom to change then lay on my bed and text ryan.

~I may have done something

Ryan♡~ what did you do?

~I let mia dye my hair

Ryan♡~ seriously


Ryan♡~ you don't even know her that well

~I know but it turned out fine

Ryan♡~ I don't think you understand you barley know her and you two are acting like the best of buds

~well what did you not expect me to make friends..?

Ryan♡~ not what I said

~ well it's what u seem to be implying

Ryan♡~ I just mean I don't think you should trust someone that fast

~Ryan she is fine you didn't even make an effort to meet her

Ryan♡~ excuse me?

~you never even talked to her and now your telling me I shouldn't trust her

Ryan♡~ what does me not talking to her have anything to do with this?

~ your judging her when you didn't even get to know her Ryan!

Ryan♡~ well im sorry I'm not Like you!

~what is that supposed to mean!?

Ryan♡~ it means your all happy go lucky and talk to everyone you meet and expect to be friends with everyone when you don't see the bad side of people dylan!

~ so what you just want me to be a dick to everyone I meet

Ryan♡~ for fuck sake stop putting words into my mouth

~ it's not me that said it Ryan you literally just told me to stop being friendly with everyone!

Ryan♡~ thats not what I said!

~ whatever im going to bed

I turn off my phone and put it on my night stand and face the wall closing my eyes trying to ignore what just happend.

After I ruff night I get up the next morning and get ready for school I pick up my phone and see missed messages for ryan I sigh and put my phone in my bag and walk out of my dorm and down to my first class.

I sit down and hold my head up with my hand.

"Hey dyl!" Mia smiles sitting next to me

I don't answer just stare at the bored infront of us.

"Dylan everything okay?"

"Ya sorry just tired"


I didn't learn anything from that class I was on the verge of falling asleep the whole time and the next class was even worse..

But soon lunch comes finally I head to the elevator and get in heading to my floor and walking to my dorm I walk in and drop my stuff and dropping down on my bed I groan when I hear a knock I get up and walk to the door opening it

"Hi" I look down to see mia

"Oh hey"

"Can I come in?"

"Sure" I let her in and sit down on my bed and she sits next to me

"I just wanted to check on you all day you seemed down"

"Well ya last night me and ryan kind of argued"

"Oh im sorry if I can ask what about?"


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