Fixing Loose Ends

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72 Fixing Loose Ends

The skies were growing dark, and the winds were picking up. A storm was coming in. The news was calling it Hurricane Sabel. Sabel put a damper on the plans Allen and Gerald were making for Karla.

This delay was worrisome. It could be a few days before they could leave the Island. Karla did call to check in with Eris. Gerald suggested to Karla to tell Eris that you were with us and trying to help Arryn. Allen agreed to this, believing they could trace her to Haiti and learn that she was with the Quinns. This could stall any plans the Knights had to harm Jana.


Arryn stared out the window, watching the storm, "Cas, do you think we should wait the storm out before trying to open the In-Between?"

Castor handed Arryn a bourbon on ice, "I'd rather not have to be out there trying to dodge lightning."

Sipping the drink, Arryn mused, "We are so close to finding them, and there's nothing we can do right now but wait."

"You just beheaded a powerful half-demon and probably pissed off those above him," Castor pointed out.

"I haven't stopped to think about Draeven... I... don't want to." Arryn said solemnly.

Castor nodded, understanding to change the subject, "I will be ready, when you want to find our way into The In-Between."

"Thank you, Cas," Arryn turned to face Castor, "Let's rest up before we go to find The In-Between."


Grayson had been left strapped to a chair for a couple of days. Food and water were being provided. Still, he was losing track of time in the windowless room. Marcus was eager to see this traitor again but also needed Adya's help in finding Jana, Karla's sister.

"Thank you for making time to see me," Marcus said in a small office above the dungeon.

Poised sitting at her desk, "Of course, so what is it I can do for you?"

Marcus cleared his throat, "Allen Quinn needs to learn all there is about a cult that goes by The Order of Khaos. Plus, some group of Holy soldiers called The Knights of the Abyss. They may be the ones behind the disappearance of the Quinn's Private Jet."

"hmm... I can see what I can find. Is there anything else?" Advance asked.

"Well, an employee Karla Junge got involved with them. It appears that this cult targeted her to manipulate her into spying on the Quinns."

"Hold it; I know, Karla. Did she really betray

Arryn and his family?" Adya gasped in disbelief.

"That's the catch, Karla didn't, and those knights of the Abyss kidnapped Jana, who is Karla's sister," Marcus explained,

"Was it Karla who came forward to ask for help?" Adela asked out of curiosity.

"My understanding is she had been trying to come forward and finally could. Are you up to this?" Marcus asked.

"Definitely, I just don't know what to do with Grayson," Adya answered.

"Oh, I have a gift for Grayson. Azrael was able to get a souvenir from his and Arryn's "encounter" with Draeven," Marcus grinned mischievously

"Then, by all means, let me take you to him," Adya stood up.

Marcus followed her to a hidden staircase that led to a locked door. Adya waved her hand before a seal engraved on the door, and it opened. Grayson looked up and squinted from the light. Adya turned on some bright lights to ensure Grayson could see his present.

"Oh, Grayson, I have a guest for you," Adya said in a sing-song voice.

Grayson had a blank look on his face. Marcus stepped forward and placed a box on Grayson's lap. Then Marcus removed the lid.

Grayson let out a blood­curdling scream. His body jolted, causing the box to fall on the floor, and Draeven's bloody head rolled across the floor.

"This is how Arryn took care of your so-called boss," Marcus laughed.

Adya didn't flinch. She was used to such sights, having worked for The Quinns for so long.

"Oh, Grayson," Marcus leaned down close to Grayson's face, "The Quinns have decided to show mercy for cooperating. You are free to go, but if you don't stay out of trouble, you will end up like Draeven."

Grayson wanted to be happy to be set free. However, he didn't think he would ever indeed be free. He would have to look over his shoulder for the rest of his life.


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