Back to Work & Still Friends

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19 Back to Work

Director Alden was surprised that Castor was transferred. He really appreciated Castor's hard work and knowledge of ancient languages.

Blake had not been in the office when Arryn stepped up. He had been gone for well over a week. He claimed to have not been well and needed rest.

With Rory gone, Arryn had stepped up in his place. While Blake had expected changes, this was a lot happening all at once. The changes didn't just include staff transfers but also policies. His curiosity was getting the better of him. Blake thought it was time to check in on Castor. He figured that he could congratulate the kid and start a conversation with him. Perhaps Castor would be able to shed some light on everything Arryn was doing and why.

There was a knock on his office door, "Come in."

Henry Brewer was relieved to hear Director Blake's voice and entered his office, "Welcome back, Director."

"Thank you, Henry; please take a seat. Let's talk about the sudden changes." The Director waved him in.

Henry took a seat, "You are welcome, Sir."

"You and Karla have done well keeping up with everything in my absence. I can't imagine it being easy, especially with our former Intern Castor being transferred to the Executive team." Blake said, trying to figure out if Henry was doing all right.

"Thank you, Sir; it has been a difficult time. Will we be getting a new intern?" Henry asked, hoping the answer was yes.

Shaking his head with a bit of smile, "No, but Grayson Landers, who was part of the Executive Team, is going to start as the Administrative Assistant for us, the Archeology Team. Dr. Quinn has decided to not bring in another intern just yet. So that program is being paused.

Confusion showed on Henry's face, "yeah... I know Grayson. He has worked here for over 15 years. He was so excited when he joined the Executive Team...."

"Yes, and I would like it if you could help out by ensuring that he feels welcome and appreciated." The Director's tone changed, "I heard about what happened last week."

Henry's face paled, "I can explain about that."

Shaking his head, "I don't need you to explain the petty office politics you were playing."

Henry's shoulders slacked down, and his head hung low. "Yes, sir."

"Remember, you are here because I see how hard you work, and you do your job well." Blake's tone grew softer, "There is no reason for you to worry about someone else and how well they are doing."

Henry nodded while looking down.

"With that said, if you ever act out like that again towards any co-worker, I will have you escorted out of here so fast, you won't know what hit you." Blake glowered at him, "Have I made myself clear?"

Nodding, Henry muttered, "Yes, Director, Sir."

"Good, and get back to work, and don't give me a reason to fire your ass." Blake eyed Henry, "Grayson will be here within the hour. Please make sure he is shown around and has everything he needs."

"I will see to it. Thank you, Sir; I understand what is expected of me. Going forward, I will do my best."

"You are dismissed," Blake announced and began reading an incoming message flashing on his monitor.

Henry turned and left. He was angry at himself but blamed Castor for getting him in trouble.

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