Bound and Tortured & Castor's Training

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29 Bound and Tortured

A circle was in the center of the room with ancient markings surrounding it. The walls, the ceiling, and the floor were covered in violet glowing runes. There in the circle was Blake Alden, bleeding and unable to move.

Blake's wrists and ankles were chained to the floor, and his eyes were blindfolded. He struggled, trying to break free. He could sense a spell weakening him. It kept him from escaping and cloaking him from others of his kind.

It was cold, and the only sound he could hear was a water leak.

-Drip... Drip... Drip, a small puddle had formed nearby. He could hear the water hit that puddle.

He wasn't sure how long he had been locked up in here. His guess was at least 2 days.

"What a damn fool I am," Blake yelled out, angry with himself. He had been in far worse situations, yet this time, he had been out­smarted by a fucking Demon half-breed.

He had taken a hit to his head from its scythe, but the wound on his back still burned. It wasn't healing; something in this room was restricting him from healing and accessing his powers.

Footsteps echoed, growing louder. Blake could hear someone breathing standing over him.

"How long are you going to just lay there?" a very tall, lean man with dark auburn hair and dark gray eyes laughed, mocking Blake, "Tell me who your Cairo contact is."

Blake laid there still, refusing to answer.

"I know the meeting had been canceled. It seems your boss and a few others disappeared on their way to Cairo. Yes, we know what TWC was after. So just tell me who were you supposed to meet."

Blake felt his anger flood over him, "Fuck OFF!"

Draven pressed his foot down on Blake's throat, smirking and enjoying the game, "I will get the information out of you. I will find the Seamless Robe of Christ with or without your help."

Draven pressed down hard with his foot until he heard the snapping of bone. "There... I'll return, and perhaps you will be more talkative."

Blake laid still. He was refusing to show any sign of pain or discomfort. While lying there, Blake began whispering a prayer. Draven, heading out, heard Blake's praying, "You may as well give up; I have inscribed runes on all these walls. No one will hear you," Draven laughed and locked a door behind him.

Blake kept praying, ignoring the warning.

Stilling his mind Gabriel focused on the quietest voices. Narrowing on those weak and broken needing help. Shifting through the prayers, he sent mental messages to the legions of Angels to assist those crying out for help.

Then the quietest prayer came through, alarming Gabriel.

Hearing the prayers from a child of the heavenly hosts, Gabriel went to Azrael for help. "He is trapped by one who is of the seed of demons and praying for help. They want him to reveal his knowledge on where to find the Robe."

"And help I shall give," Azrael stated firmly, "No silly spells will keep me from coming to his aid."

"I knew you would understand... Godspeed, my brother. I will be listening for you if you need help."

Azrael smiled, "When have I needed help?" He turned and disappeared in a funnel of fire.


30 Castor's Training

After dinner, Arryn wanted to work on helping Castor get his wings and learn about what he could do.

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