The Traitor

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42 The Traitor

Adya had repeatedly reviewed the security footage to verify who was trying to get into TWC's Private Vault. Her partner Marcus followed the employee to nab him and bring him in for interrogation.

Arryn had been right about this employee. Rory had no clue that there were traitors and moles in the company. He trusted the background checks Security ran. For so long, that had worked well. Still, TWC's competitors managed to sneak on into TWC.

Arryn's new approach to running TWC was stirring things up. Not everyone approved of the changes, and employees were growing concerned.

"You fool! What do you mean you don't have the Robe?" A man's voice barked

through the phone.

"I did exactly as told. The case it was in was empty." Grayson claimed to the voice on the other end," There was no record of it being removed."

"Useless, utterly useless," Seth scolded Grayson.

"I'm sorry, Sir, but I think I know who has it."

"Bloody, well, speak up!"

"Dr. Arryn Quinn... The changes he made are making sense now." Grayson explained.

"Catch a flight to Greece; you have a fake ID passport that Nimue provided. Use it and meet us at the "house"!

"Yes, Sir, I will get going now."

"Silly boy, you think you are going to get away." Marcus stepped out from the shadows with a gun pointed at Grayson's head.

"My boss has a few questions for you."

"Fuck you," snapped Grayson.

Marcus moved so fast that Grayson didn't have a chance to react. Marcus had rushed up to him and bashed his head with the butt end of the gun.

Grayson fell, knocked unconscious. Two others joined Marcus and carried Grayson to the car.

Grayson was cuffed and tossed into the back of a car. Marcus double-checked to make sure Grayson was still alive. Marcus remained in the back, keeping watch over Grayson. The driver was racing through the city, avoiding the main roads. The 30-minute drive seemed like hours.

Adya messaged Marcus letting him know she was waiting and ready to

deal with Grayson. Marcus wondered how Grayson ended up working with Savage. However, He was certain Adya would be able to find out.

Grayson moaned still with his eyes closed. Marcus watched him carefully, ready to restrain Grayson further if he woke.

"And how is our little guest," Adya grinned, entering the cold-dark underground room.

Grayson was chained down with metal cuffs on his arms and legs and a metal collar in a hard cold metal chair. The blindfold kept Grayson from seeing where and who was there. He couldn't believe the trouble he was in. His mind was racing with empty regrets. As long as he kept his contact happy over at Savage Enterprises, Grayson had become complacent with the funds he gained.

When Arryn stepped up, Grayson assumed there would be little change. He believed that the elusive Arryn Quinn wouldn't be hands-on and would be easy to impress. He should have known something was wrong when Arryn transferred him and others from the executive team.

"Grayson, your greed and foolishness nearly killed people." Adya scolded, "you even tried to steal from the company.''

Grayson froze, not knowing who was there bating him. Adya leaned close to his left ear, "I need to know what other trouble you have been up to."

Grayson froze, uncertain what to say or do.

"Now listen closely, you worthless shit; I'm going to offer you a deal." Adya backed away, observing her captive. "You can start singing and tell me what You have been doing for Savage, and I won't need to hurt nor maim you. However, if I sense you are being deceptive or refuse to tell the truth. I will start removing fingers and toes and whatever else I want to."

Grayson paled and froze up in fear.

"Nod, if you understand me," Adya asked.

Grayson nodded.

"There, There, I knew you weren't a complete idiot." Adya ripped off Grayson's blindfold, revealing the dark, bare room to him. There was a table with very sharp and painful-looking tools.

"Let's start at the beginning. When did you first start working with Savage." Adya grinned, twirling a pair of Brass Knuckles.

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