Explosive Aftermath

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40 Explosive Aftermath

Hospital staff were uneasy on the 12th Floor. Private security from TWC had taken over. Absolutely no unauthorized visitors were allowed.

There were only 2 patients on that floor, and they both were in critical condition.

Gerald refused to be checked in but was there checking on In-Su and Henry. Growing worried for their wellbeing, Gerald messaged Arryn and his father, updating them on Insu and Henry's condition. Gerald was surprised by Arryn's immediate response, "Give them the elixir and get them to a safe house."

Gerald was relieved to get these instructions. He left the hospital in haste, reassuring security he would return soon.

Gerald felt uncomfortable entering Arryn's suite without him being there. He had access to the suite and Vault for emergencies, yet he felt awkward like he was trespassing. Inside, Gerald noticed Castor had some of his belongings in Arryn's suite. He wasn't sure if he was really all that surprised. His cousin must really have found someone special in Castor. It made Gerald realize his own loneliness.

Would he find a partner to share his life with? He had been rejected and decided he would not settle down with someone. He dated and had plenty of sex with others, but he never had a long-term relationship. He had been afraid of rejection and was settling for empty relationships.

His father had never remarried nor got into a relationship with anyone else after his mother passed. He saw his father's pain, and he also grieved the loss of his mother. His cousin also lost his wife, and so Gerald was hesitant to be vulnerable to losing someone he loved once again.

A wave of relief flooded Gerald when the Vault opened, and the elixir of health was there.

Gerald messaged Arryn and Castor that he had the elixir. Also, that he had arranged for the safe transportation of In-Su and Henry. Amelie is prepping the safe house and will remain onsite with them.

Allen Quinn stared at the live footage of TWC projected above his desk. Security footage of the explosion had revealed an employee trying to access the Vault with the company's private collection.

Video footage also showed Gerald outside Arryn's office conversing with In-situ and Henry when a bomb went off in the Executive team's office.

It appeared that the explosion was a distraction. Allen grew angry as he realized that this traitor was willing to kill and harm others for his greed. It was a miracle that no one died, but Henry and In-situ were not in the clear yet.

Allen was waiting for Gerald to finish helping In-situ and Henry with the elixir. He needed to talk to his son. Arryn had agreed "that Gerald was also a target and needed to go into hiding. This was not going to be easy. Gerald would want to be right in the frontlines.

Closing his eyes, Allen prayed for wisdom to make the right decisions and know what to say.

Gerald looking worse for the wear, walked into his suite. "Father, you waited for me?"

Allen strode over to Gerald and embraced his son. Gerald welcomed the unexpected embrace.

"Yes, my son, I waited. I am so proud of you." Allen stepped back with a small smile.

"We almost lost innocent lives today." Gerald slacked down with tears filling the corners of his eyes.

"You saved their lives. Now it's time to rest. I will stay here with you through the night." Allen reassured his son.

"I am tired, Father" Gerald slacked into Allen's arms. Allen helped support Gerald walk into his bedroom.

Allen had laid out fresh night clothes for his son to change into, "While you change, I will go and get some tea to help you rest."

Gerald nodded. "Thank you."

Gerald was feeling the soreness in his body from the explosion's impact. He found scrapes and bruises he had ignored. He was struggling to undress, wondering why only now he was feeling so sore. Adrenaline can mask the pain when in survivor mode. However, once he stopped to rest, the adrenaline was gone, and he noticed all of his wounds.

Allen tapped on the door with a tray of tea in his hands. Gerald opened the door with the switch by his bed. Allen stepped inside and set the tray down.

"Do you need help? After running on adrenaline all day, I imagine you are starting to feel the day's strain. You were in an explosion, my son." Allen was deeply concerned.

"Thank you, Dad; I could use some help." Gerald sat at the end of the bed. "Days like this, I really miss mum."

Allen helped his son change, "I am missing her too."

Feeling bittersweet, Gerald wasn't sure what to say. He was appreciative of having his dad there helping. Gerald had been worried about Arryn, the plane's disappearance, and the company, trying to take on more to help others. He needed to let someone step in to care for him. He realized that his dad had already lost his wife, and now his

brother was missing. His dad would have been left alone if that explosion had been worse.

Remembering how he tucked in his son when he was a small child, Allen smiled softly as he tucked Gerald into bed. He propped up some pillows to help him sit up in the bed.

"Here is the tea I promised, my special blend just for you.'' Allen handed his son the herbal tea.

"Thank you, Dad; you were always the best with making teas and potions. I... I wanted to be as good as you." Gerald sipped the tea, feeling his body relax.

Patting Gerald on the head, "I think you are. You excel with everything you try, and I am very proud of you."

"Thank you," Gerald sighed, sipping more tea, "you will stay here tonight?"

"Yes, Ger, I will be here watching over you. You can close your eyes to rest and heal when done with the tea." Allen reassured his son.

"Dad, there's so much to do..." Gerald tried to say.

Allen interrupted his son, "shh... don't worry about our family businesses or who is behind this... Gerald, Arryn was right about there being spies in TWC. Savage has been targeting staff like Blake, Castor, Arryn, and now you."

Nearly choking on his tea, "me?"

"Yes, you, and to keep you safe and those around you safe, you need to join Arryn."

"But Dad, I can help..."

"You have been helping, and this explosion nearly killed those with you... you aren't the only one who could be harmed or worse if you don't lay low."

Gerald hated what his dad was saying but knew he was right, "You have made valid reasons to not stay here. I don't like it and don't want anything to happen to you."

"I will also be careful. I still am holding out on being a grandfather someday." Allen chuckled.

Gerald rolled his eyes, "Perhaps I can adopt. I Just don't think I will settle down with anyone."

Allen turned away then looked back at Gerald, "We never thought Arryn would love and be loved ever again... Look at him now." Allen smirked, "you could be next.''

"Of course, you bring up Arryn and Castor." Gerald grumbled, cringing in pain when he did, "OW... I was surprised to see Arryn had someone up in his suite that Saturday I met Castor."

"Castor must be exceptional to have gotten through to Arryn and to have earned his trust," Allen mentioned.

"Agreed!" Gerald chimed in, "And I suppose anything is possible when it comes to me."

"That's my son!" Allen smiled, "Do you want some more tea, or do you need to close your eyes?"

"One more of us cup while you keep me company."

Allen poured another cup and handed it to Gerald, "Drink up."

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