He's Gone

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31 He's Gone

"Noooooooo!" Draeven let out a roar that shook the ground beneath him.

Blake was gone. The chains had been broken and left in a pile in the center of the room. His runes were scorched and defaced. They were rendered completely useless.

He knew this was not the work of a half-breed. No, this was the work of a very powerful Angel. Not one of the lower levels; no, this had to have been an Archangel. The energy left behind was

making Draeven ill. He turned and left in a hurry.

Storming into his office, Draeven yelled for Clarice. Clarice had felt the ground shake, and now Draeven was screaming for her. Something terrible must have happened. She jumped up from her desk and hurried into his office.

"Sir," Clarice stopped in her tracks. Draeven may have a temper, but this level of rage she felt was new.

"He's Gone!" Draeven slammed a fist through a wall. Clarice knew better than to say a word. Instead, she stood

there with her head bowed, waiting to be told what he needed her to do.

Draeven ignored the hole in the wall and the blood flowing from his fist. Noticing Clarice looking down, he strode over to her and tilted her head up with his sore hand.

Clarice looked up at him meekly. Draven's anger simmered briefly, and he kissed her. "Awe, baby, I'm sorry I don't mean to scare you."

Clarice relieved that he had calmed, "I know."

"Good, I would like you to get Seth and Nimue to meet with me tomorrow. Make sure they catch a flight tonight." Draeven explained.

"Yes, sir, I am on it." Clarice nodded and left.

Back at her desk, she began reaching out to Seth and Nimue. She already knew how annoyed they would be. Neither Seth nor Nimue appreciated being told what to do. Clarice had not been told why Draeven expected them to be there. Not being able to explain the reason to them would only make matters worse for her. Clarice wondered if she was getting paid enough for this job on days like this.

Draeven entered a secret chamber that was connected to his office. The secret door slid open, revealing a dark room. With the snap of his fingers, Draeven lit up all of the candles in the chamber.

The flames barely pierced the darkness in the chamber. There was an alter and more purple runes engraved into the stone walls. Draeven began chanting in an ancient Daemon tongue in the middle of the room. Blood from his fist dripped onto the floor, infusing the ancient markings engraved into the stone floor. The energy in the room grew heavy, and a breeze circled around Draeven.

Lightning flashed, and standing before Draeven stood a 10-foot Demon. His skin was pale, and his eyes gleaned red. His bald head had symbols tattooed on his scalp. "Why can I smell my enemy?" Ba'al demanded.

"Master, they came for Blake, and he is gone," Draeven explained, averting his eyes.

"And why are you bothering me with this? Get him back, and where is Castor?" Ba'al snapped, growing impatient.

"The Archangels are now involved. And I hoped you knew why." Draeven explained

"I will ask around and find out why they are involved, but you need to get that ROBE!" yelled Ba'al.

"Understood, my master."


"Samael, your son has allowed our enemies to interfere." Ba'al scowled.

"Then he can handle it." Samael had blonde hair and piercing golden eyes. He paced the room listening to Ba'al. "He needs to clean up his own mess."

"Then next time you go and tell him yourself." Ba'al snapped, "I am not one of your lackeys."

"No, you are not." Samael smirked and pulled Ba'al close, "You... are... Mine."

Samael kissed Ba'al deeply, biting down on his lower lip.

Ba'al moaned, "You are doing it again. Trying to distract me."

"And again & again." Samael grinned, "And you like that about me."

Ba'al wasn't going to fight him, "keep telling yourself that," Ba'al pushed Samael down onto the bed. "It's time to pay up."

Samael pulled Ba'al down with him. 

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