Desperate Steps & Call Upon Our Angels

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50 Desperate Steps

Arryn paced the room feeling exasperated. Castor nervously watched Arryn, wondering what he was thinking. Breakfast with Arryn's Uncle and Cousin turned dark. Allen regretted saying anything.

Arryn stopped and turned to face Castor, "I wish I could say that my uncle is wrong about my parents."

Castor pipped in, "Listen, I still want to help you find them."

Arryn cut Castor off and knelt before him, "Thank you, but I couldn't expect you, too. I love you, and whether or not my parents accept us together, I want to be with you. Please promise me that you will stay by my side."

Clasping Arryn's hands, Castor cleared his throat, "I love you. All my life, I have felt like a burden to others. My adoptive parents loved their children more. I have prayed and longed to feel loved and accepted. Arryn, with you, I do."

Arryn's eyes started to tear up, "Oh, my Luv, you have made me feel alive. Feeling like an outsider, I too have longed for this connection we have."

"Please don't cry, Arry; we have each other now. I promise to never leave you." Castor wiped away Arryn's tears.

Arryn leaned in, kissing Castor while melting in an embrace. A few minutes passed before Arryn and Castor stopped and gazed into each other's eyes.

Arryn sat beside Castor, saying," My Luv, I want to marry you when things settle down. I want to properly propose."

"Well then, we have a lot of work to do because I don't want to wait too long to be your husband and you mine. "Castor smiled.

"Yes, let's figure out what's next?" Arryn nodded.

"Blake and Ava have already left. They hopefully can keep the bare minimum of TWC operations running." Castor explained," I just can't help but wonder if we should try to find a way to speak with Lucifer.''

Arryn gave Castor a doubtful look," I have met many Angels, but the Fallen Ones, especially Lucifer, keep to themselves."

"hmm... Instead of guessing where the sword was hidden, we should at least try to reach out to Lucifer." Castor suggested.

"Your idea is crazy; however, it does make sense." Arryn replied, wondering if it would work, "He may not want to let us know. He may even be upset or offended for bothering him."

Castor placed a comforting hand on Arryn's knee, "Arryn, we don't have to try. Is it really worth taking your chances on contacting Lucifer to find your parents or not?"

Arryn paused to think for a moment, "I wouldn't be a good son if I didn't try."

"Well then, we need to develop a plan and give it a shot,'' Castor said, hoping to encourage Arryn.

"Tomorrow is a New Moon, I think. we should try then." Arryn suggested.

"I agree. Let's prepare." Castor nodded and kissed Arryn.


"Where's the Robe?!" Draeven shouted at his staff.

While nervous, Seth did his best to hide his fear and speak confidently, "We know Arryn has it. However, the spells we have tried to locate its energy have failed. It's like The Robe no longer exists."

Growing annoyed, Draeven snapped, "Do you really believe that it's gone?"

Nimue sat there quietly, observing Draeven and Seth. She knew no matter how hard she and Seth had tried to discover the Robe's whereabouts, it meant nothing to Draeven. Unless they find the Robe, Draeven wouldn't care. She didn't want to even imagine what Draeven would do to them if the Robe wasn't found soon.

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