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"We thought you died during the attack!".

"That you were captured by the attackers!".

"That you orchestrated the attack!".

Everyone looked at Sirius.

"Um, no, Sirius. That's what only you thought." Remus said. They finally found an empty compartment.

"Thank you, I'm flattered you were worried about me!" Diane said ironically and sat down next to James.

"But why didn't you answer the letters?" he asked.

And Diane told everything about the last week. Starting with the news of the assault, ending with the unpleasant conversation with Stella.

"So you don't think they're your parents?" Remus asked. Diane nodded.

"What if your father was too angry at that moment? Maybe he didn't mean what he said?" Sirius asked.

"Believe me, Sirius, he's good at handling himself. He's always been. So he meant exactly what he said." Diane answered.

"Whose child are you then?" Peter asked with fear.

"Shut up,Peter" Sirius hissed. Peter looked at him with resentment.

"And what of "He came for her"?" James asked.

"I dunno" Diane answered.

"Maybe he was talking about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?" Sirius asked.

"What do you mean?" Diane asked. "Who is it?".

"You really don't know? It was him who attacked the Diagon Alley." James answered.

"They say he's gathering supporters. But I'm sure it won't take long and the Ministry will sort it out." Sirius said in an arrogant tone.

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with me?" Diane asked. Sirius shrugged.

"Lily! Hey, Evans!".

"Starts..." said Remus and covered his face with palms.

"What starts?" Diane asked. James looked out of the compartment and waved to someone.

"All he did all summer was talk about his Evans!" Sirius laughed.

"Not true! And Evans isn't mine" said Potter and looked out of the compartment again. "Evans, I'll buy sweets!".

Diane looked out of the window and ignored everybody.

"Who needs your sweets, Potter?!" Diane heard Lily's voice. "I will jump out of the train right now, rather than get into your compartment! Let's go, Sev!".

"Lily, I hate to admit it but there's no more empty compartments" Snape sighed.

"Bloody hell...".

Lily and Snape entered the compartment with James.

"Lily, why didn't you jump out the window?" Sirius laughed. Snape sat down next to Diane and James sat with Lily.

"Shut up, Black."

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