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"I'm here because of you, Prewett!" Snape said.


Diane, Lily, Severus, James, Sirius, Remus and Peter were sitting in the classroom of Transfiguration classes and writing "I will never argue with my classmates again". Professor told them to write it for fifty times.

"I'm also here because of you, by the way" James said, writing the phrase for thirteenth time.

"Listen, we all are here because of you three so can you please finally shut up and do the task?!" Remus shouted. Lily smiled at him. He smiled back. Upon seeing their smiles, James immediately said: "I completely agree with Remus!" and smiled at Lily. She didn't smile back. Diane snorted and continued to write.

"Any problems?!" James hissed. Diane ignored the question. She could literally feel the evil stare of Potter.

"Potter, can you get off the poor girl's back?!" Lily cried out.

"No,Evans. He's in love!" Sirius exclaimed and laughed. Remus and Peter too. When they saw the look in Potter's eyes, they stopped laughing.

"No, I don't get along with mean Slytherins who set you up in class" James grinned. That was the last straw.

"I'm done" she whispered, got up and left the classroom. The last thing, that she heard before leaving the classroom, was Lily's "Potter, you're an asshole!».

Diane came out of the castle and wandered to the Black Lake. She didn't care that it was supper. Suddenly it started to rain. But she didn't care again. She liked rain. And thanks to the raindrops, it was impossible to see her tears.

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