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Diane had a rough time after being sorted to Slytherin. Firstly, because of her family. When she sent a letter to her parents, telling them that she'd got into Slytherin, their reaction wasn't the best. Andrew didn't hide the fact that he was very disappointed with his daughter. He said if Dumbledore let them, she'd change her house.

Molly didn't talk to her anymore, completely ignored her, and one day even said: "What's the point of taking an interest in your studies, your environment, anything, if I'm not the prefect of your house?!". It really hurt Diane.

Fabian and Gideon behaved as if nothing had happened. They continued to do bad learning and mischief. Diane hoped that at least they wouldn't turn their backs on her. Oh, how wrong she was... She met them once in the hallway when she was leaving the class. She tried to talk to them, but they answered: "Diane, you don't think the Gryffindors will ever be friends with the Slytherins, do you?". It hurt so bad.  Now she wasn't "Diane", "Dia" or "sis". Now she was just "a Slytherin". A Slytherin, a stranger. 

The ONLY person that supported her, was her mother. She wrote in that letter: "Little bee, I am so happy that you got what you wanted. Please write to us more often so that we know of your success. Good luck!". I am so happy that you got what you wanted. How did she know that Diana wanted to go to Slytherin?

Diana also had problems with her studies. Professor Slughorn tried to help her with the Potions, saying "It's because you're in my house". But despite all his efforts, she was far from this science. History of Magic was the most boring thing in the world, so there's no point talking about it. On one of the Flying lessons, she fell off her broom, landed on Lupin's broom, and they both flew to the tribunes. After this incident, they both lay in the hospital wing for two weeks. Rumor had it, that Diana did it on purpose. Diana didn't pay a proper attention to Astronomy and Herbology, as these subjects were as boring as History of Magic.

The three subjects Diane was good at were Charms, Transfiguration and Defence Against the Dark Art. When she was doing magic, a pleasant chill was sweeping through her body, hair stood on end and she felt some good feeling. Good and dark.

She also had problems with communication and her classmates. They did not communicate with her because of her "stupidity and ignorance of most lessons". They kept saying that the Sorting hat made a big mistake sorting her into Slytherin. Diane sometimes cried at night about it.

Once she seriously thought about all this. And how was she going to survive here for seven years?!

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